Friday, December 24, 2010

What a beautiful day for dogs!  It was a little cold when we reached Southland on Thursday morning but beautiful sunshine nonetheless.  There weren't a lot of people and dogs around but the ones that were there were calm and happy (at least in the morning.)

The dogs were quite entertaining on the way to the park.  Diesel was sitting in the back seat singing Christmas carrols and being a Doberman is quite talented and energetic about the task.  I actually got a belly-laugh from little Marty.  He was riding shot gun in a small kennel in the front seat.  When looked over at him all I saw was this long pink tongue sticking out of one of the holes and a couple of tiny teeth behind it.  There must have been something yummy on the side of the kennel!  When we got to the park the boys could hardly contain themselves and took off in all directions is a flurry of activity.  Once again, good thing the park was virtually empty.  Res, Guiness and Nicky stuck together while Diesel and Sidney enjoyed some rough and tumble boy dog play with Everest joining in every so often.  Copper has been keeping a low profile since Fisher dragged him around by his leash on Tuesday although he is starting to accept Marty as a buddy and not just a nuisance causing pup anymore.  This is good because Marty REALY likes Copper.  Bruin is Bruin and is my calming influence.

The afternoon group finally made it to Southland as well after lots of stops, pick ups and visits.  This group was very mixed and we had a special guest - one of Miles and Penny's friends for Washington.  He was a nice big boy but a little overwelmed by the park and all the action.  The rest of the dogs took full advantage of having a park full of people and dogs.  Many, many more people were walking in the afternoon and it was a bit more hectic keeping tabs on everyone.  Little Mitch came out with us (he usually is a Wed/Fri dog) and he was excited to some new friends and get some excercise.  He practically lead the pack.  He was running as fast as his little legs would take him.  We ran into a woman with three kids and of course with dogs a cute and friendly as my pack we had to stop and I told the kids the dogs names and stories which they were fasinated about.  Frank doesn't enjoy kids so he stood back and just looked cute while Rover, Clover and Copper took most of the attention.  The kids knew how to act around dogs and recieved some sloppy kisses especially from Sam.  Once the walk was over it was back in the truck for lots more stops, drops, pick ups and visits as I prepared to take the third walk to the park. 

Yoko, Christy, Sidney, Sam, Everest and Frank enjoyed another walk during suppertime.  Very few people were there and it was almost completely dark when we arrived.  What a change in atmosphere, energy and attitude of the dogs being at the park in the dark.  The dogs were so excited and bouncy and there was virtually no noise, no barking and no ridiculous behaviour!!  Just happy dogs bounding around the park. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas eve and morning with family, furry friends and lots of love and happiness!    

Good news - Meeko will most likely be able to return to the group walks in January.  Keep your fingers crossed for his speedy retrurn to good health and his many friends.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Crazzzzzy Dog

Another beautiful day for dogs.  The afternoon at least - warmed up to -5!  Only in Canada.

The morning group arrived at Southland park ready to roll.  I think that a lot of people were happy when we moved off down toward the river.  We welcomed our new friend Diesel today.  He is a beautiful 18-month old Doberman.  He has the nicest disposition and is very well mannered.  He did not want to get in the back of the truck with the other dogs and I cannot say that I blame him.  Everest and Sidney were not the most welcoming so Diesel sat in the back seat of the truck.  He sat very nicely and barely moved a muscle but he is a chatty fellow and we had to listen to him all the way to the park.  Once at the park the other boys embraced him and actually enjoyed his energy and size when it came to wrestling.  Maya (crazzzzy dog) actually went swimming.  There she was dressed in her new red jacket and paddling around in the river with the geese.  Even my own looney retrievers just tested the water with their toes.  J and Ryder were there normal selves today - just kinda sorta with the group of big dumb slobberers and only associated with the little furry guys. 

The afternoon group went to Edworthy and enjoyed the sunshine.  There were lots of dogs at the park and they all enjoyed the social aspects more than the physical.  I was very proud of my guys.  Anytime any other dog or pack started to act up I just called them and they came back and waited with me me until the incident was over.  The one occasion where our group started it they all settled down quite quickly, refocused and were able to carry on.  The goldens (Whistler, Gabby and Pina) found a boy within seconds of arriving and should their undying love for him by sitting on his feet, putting their cold wet noses on his face and generally loving him up.  The golden girls are so funny (and sometimes embarrassing) with their affection for little boys.  Wilbur and Mitch kept their noses to the snow and plowed around like little Mac trucks.  Both boys found other pups to play with but always came right back to the pack when called.  Slevin and Sidney had another grand time wrestling with each other.  That game never grows old.  By the time we got back to the truck the boxer sisters and the little guys were getting cold and were ready to leave so there wasn't too much trouble rounding them all up. 

I do really really love all my crazy, hairy and sometimes smelly friends.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Another cold one but we are tough and we are strong.  Actually the dogs lasted longer than me.  I was hoping one of them would give me an excuse to leave the park early. 

The morning group was small as Jin was getting his hair done.  So it was just Sidney, Everest, Whistler, Rover and Frank to watch.  They are all good dogs and don't get into any trouble (well mostly anyway.)  There were hardly any people or dogs at the park so having a good time and not finding trouble was easy.  Rover and Sidney love to run and chase other dogs, Everest likes to chase the balls and Whistler and Frank just like to take it easy. 

The afternoon group was a bit more rowdy and thoroughly enjoyed finally getting to the park.  Slevin came out with us and had a spectacular time.  He was built for this weather with a triple thick coat and feet like snow shoes.  He was rolling and wrestling and when he popped back up his eyes were the only thing that weren't covered in snow.  He looked like someone had blown flour in his face.  Eli was a little shy at first but got into the games after a couple of minutes.  Even little Wilbur was enjoying himself.  At one point someone called him a pug-sicle and when I looked at his little black face he had a Santa-style beard from the snow.  Sid came for the afternoon walk as well which was good because he kept Shea busy when she wasn't playing with Wilbur.  The size difference is substantial but they seem to really like each other.  Ryder wasn't too happy with the size difference being hieght challenged himself and gave Shea a firm talking to. 

All the dogs in this group were eager to get back in the truck after an hour which suited me just fine. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another Exciting Day for Dogs

The morning group went to Southland and had a good time together.  Maya, Vinnie blue eyes and Georgie were absolutely ecstatic to be together.  The only thing that could have made that bunch that much happier is if Sidney was a morning guy but alas he went the the afternoon group.  Those three dogs LOVE to wrestle and play rough so it was a good thing that the park was virtually empty and we had the north end to ourselves.  I should also note that they are all good dogs so nothing got out of hand.  Ryder and J enjoyed a more leisurely pace and either hung back away from the rowdies or they shot ahead for first pickings on new smells.  Bruin, Whistler, Penny and Rover.  What can I say?  I just love older dogs.  They are so settled and easy to take care of.  Not so old that I have to be on senior watch but old enough that I don't have to worry about fights or inappropriate behaviour with strangers.  Well except for Whistler.  She is known to try and shake people down for treats but she is always charming while she does it. 

The afternoon group was big and bouncy and lots of fun.  We went to Edworthy and there were quite  few more people at the park this afternoon.  When we got there Jennifer and her group had just arrived and we herded both packs into the wooded area to focus the dogs.  Bailey, Sidney, Destiny, Wilbur and Everest wanted to play fetch which was quite a sight to see a couple of labs, a boxer, and a pug play fetch.  Sidney just goes for the run part he is not that interested in the ball part.  A couple of Jen's labs kept stealing the ball and then teasing the rest of the dogs with it.  Mitch had an upset tummy on the way to the park but recoved quickly upon launching himself out of his crate and into the park.  Just like a little kid would "feel better" at 3:00 and his friends were home from school to play with.  Hollie was very spry and able to keep up with the youngins.  She even was trying to boss them around which is always really cute.  Poor little Wilbur was run over and in the course of the collision was scooted down a small incline at the park.  Not to worry though he still a fat, bouncy puppy and just stood up and shook the snow off his face and kept on going. 

All in all a busy day but a very smooth day.  Thanks to all my wonderful dog friends for making me feel better and for reminding me to live in the moment. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It was a cold but pleasant day at the park.  Both groups went to Southland and enjoyed getting out and seeing people and dogs especially the morning group who were treated to treats by a nice older lady.  It took quite a lot to get them to carry on with the rest of the walk.  We explored placed down by the river.  I haven't wanted to take the dogs there due to the ice but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and they enjoyed (well Everest enjoyed) going in to see how cold it really was.  The rest of them smartly kept their paws out. Res and Guiness were having a great time running along the bank and behind the fences and we had to back track to show them how to get out.  Turns out Marty has a bit of a fan club and didn't even know it.  A group of women were at the gate when we arrived and asked if Marty was a Havapoo and of course he is so they start taking about how soft and silky they are and then mention Marty's name although they did not recognize him.  He is getting a popular as Ryder with the ladies at the park. 

It was much colder when the winds picked up.  We ran into our Tuesday friends Sylvia, Tag and Ace.  Tag who is still a pup ran off and found some friends he liked more so again we backed tracked to help find him.  He was blissfully unaware that anyone was looking for him and was quite indignant to be put on a leash.  Cheetos would not even acknowledge a fellow pug who was actually enjoying his walk (remember Cheetos believes that only the lower breed enjoy the park.)

Georgie is the happiest dog in Calgary because he got two walks and he LOVES just getting out for one so two was over the top exciting as was coming to my house for cookies and water at lunch time. 

Remember if schedules are going to change over Christmas please let me know as soon as possible.

I love my friends.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A cold but none the less nice day at the park.  Both groups went to Southland.  It was surprisingly busy for such a cold day.  This morning it was Res and the boys. Georgie, Frank, Copper, Everest, Guiness, Marty, Nicky, Ryder and Ziggy stormed the park and had a great time.  It is a different atmosphere when the majority of the pack is male.  Everyone stayed warm by keeping active and when anyone would stop I would get them moving again quickly but they were still happy to get to the rental van to warm up with car heat and blankets.  We walked with Jennifer and her group for a while and then Penny S and her mom, Trudy, joined us for the last half of the walk.   

The afternoon group was a bit more mixed and definitely more mellow than the morning group.  Copper and Everest came for their second walk of the day and were joined by Clover, Rover, Sam, Vinny L., Penny and Miles.  Vinny was dressed for the high arctic with boots and a fleece jacket on and was happy to saunter from person to person offering season's greetings.  When we got to the north end of the park Rover spotted something in the distance and took off like a shot after it.  When I glanced over to see what he was focussed on I was startled to see something big and black start moving on the side of Deerfooot.  Turns out it was just a black garbage bag being picked up by the wind.  As usual Sam and Clover enjoyed hanging out with me for some serious girl time which I did not mind because they didn't mind when I warmed my hands in their arm pits. 

I love my job and my fuzzy, silly, and sometimes strange friends.

PS Please forgive the spelling errors in the previous posts.    

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We had kind of a backward day.  Four afternoon dogs went in the morning group and in the afternoon we picked up a couple of extras.  The day was actually boring - well as boring as a day with dogs can be and all went well except for Miles and Sidney having a bark-off in the back of the rental van.  That is the most deafening sound outside of a hard rock concert.  We will all be so happy to have the truck back and then everyone can sit in their rightful places and there will be no competing for prime seating. 

Pina and Gabby are off to visit their bio relatives as their mom gets to escape this horrible snow for Hawaii so we won't get to see them for 10 days.  Little Wilbur is growing more confident and strong each day.  For such a young and little dog is realy tough and ready to stand up for himself with the older dogs. 

The afternoon group was quite rowdy when we arrived at Edworthy.  I just opened the back doors and they all fell out in a big jumble of animal happiness.  They remained high energy until I took them into the woods.  There is something about the trees and bushes and all the wild animal smells that makes them stop acting crazy and just enjoy being outside.  The drive home was much more quiet as most of the dogs fell asleep. 

Ahhh peace.....until tomorrow.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ten pounds of potatoes

Well it was another crazy day for Fun for Dogs.  They love it no matter what goes happens.  The morning group went to Southland and practically fell out of the van as soon as I stopped.  Eli and his mom where there and were trying to help me corral and direct all the dogs to the park.  It took the two of us severeal minutes to get everyone out of the van and into the park.  Then they scattered to all corners for "private time."  I get a lot of excercise picking up poop.  Maya, Rover, Vinnie-blue-eyes and Georgie had a blast chasing and knocking each other down.  It seemed like every 10- 15 mintues one or the other would start and then as quickly as it started it would end and they would all go their neutral corners.  I managed to get a sweater on CPC Cheetos today.  He looked like 10 pounds of potatoes in a five pound sac.  He neck rolls were peeking out the top of his turtle neck.  But at least he was warm.  Bruin was glad to get home and away from the noisy kids.

The afternoon group was a wild one as well.  They went to Edworthy and again fell out of the truck as soon as I opened the door.  Everyone was well behaved and enjoyed visiting all the dogs and people at the park.  A few minutes after we arrived we ran into a family with two little kids.  Well, little kids and retrievers were made for each other.  Gabby, Pina and Sam were especially affectionate with the boy and kept sitting at his feet and "pushing" the others away.  Bailey was OK with him but when he did not produce something for her to fetch she moved on.  Our new friend Mitch was not impressed by "those things" (children).  I guess it must a be a schnoodle thing because Ryder doesn't enjoy kids either.  Sidney was only interested in the dog that was with the kids and they had a good wrestle.  Little Wilbur has such a good time with the big guys.  He likes to pick up sticks and carry them around like his uncle Everest and Auntie Whistler.    

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ziggy and Destiny Sitting in a Tree

Another busy, beautiful and fun day for dogs.  Both groups went to Southland. 

The morning group was really active today and enjoyed running and playing in the snow.  Guiness and Res were leading the pack again today.  They both love to run.  Nicky and Whistler were battling it out for top dog in the van and almost made me crazy with the noise.  Little Marty was on the sidelines cheering for whoever was going to win.  I will be soooo happy when I get my truck back so I can isolate myself from their noisy battles.  (No actual contact was made in this battle.  It is all barking and Whistler is crated.)

There was a love connection in the afternoon group.  Ziggy met Destiny and fell in love.  He was following her around like a puppy.  I am not sure the feelings were mutual but he did not care.  Everyone else was well behaved and super easy to walk.  We even recieved a couple of compliments on their behaviour.  Vinny Link received the most compliments but that was because he was too darn cute with his booties and old man cardigan on.  He just shuffles along at his own pace stopping to say hello friends new and old alike.  Clover, Rover and Sam were taking advantage of the crunchy snow to get a back massage and were rolling all over the place. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Another crazy day for dogs!  The morning group went to Southland and could barely contain themselves while I parked the truck.  Everyone was glad to see Meeko back with the pack and feeling fine.  He missed his walk last week due to medical problems (he is perfectly fine now.)  He was incredibly goofy and had to run up to every person in the park and say hello and lean on them.  People are always surprised by his friendly nature and exuberant personality.  The dogs love to roll in the snow and Rover and Christy were running and then sliding into a roll on the frozen sections.  They look like seals when they do it.  My little friend Yoko has been quite shy with the group since she started but today we turned the corner and she was running back to check in with me and prancing along with her sister Christy.  Ryder ran into probably 50 friends at the park.  They all know him by name and he seems to have a real relationships with  them. 

The afternoon group welcomed our new friend Mitch.  He is an 8-month old schnoodle.  He is black and and grayish/tan and really cute.  Now I have to cute schnoodle boys!  He made fast friends with J and they kinda stuck together.  He also seems to really like Wilbur (its probably a puppy thing.)  He was quite confident with the group but did not like when we walked a short way with another group.  I guess too many dogs to keep track of.  All the big guys welcomed him and because of his confidence they did not give him the traditional initiation into the pack.  Gabby and Pina kept to themselves today which is unusual for those two social butterflies.  Destiny and Taylor enjoyed playing with Sidney when they could catch up with him.  Sid was running so fast his hind legs were overtop of his head.  He must have greyhound in him.  A couple of times Bailey tried to catch Sid but she was smart about it.  She hunkered down and waited for him to run by then she sprung out at him.  Took him by surprise.  It takes a lab to think things through.  My old friend Hollie was so happy today.  She was yapping a the youngins and trying to keep them in line.  Then she got tired and was happy to just walk beside me. 

I love my dog friends!!  They make me happy.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crazy Day

Well we will have more truck drama - at least for another 10 days.  Please forgive me for bringing your friends home late.  I literally get slip or get stuck in every subdivision or alley.  Oh yeah and the dogs HATE the van.  It is too noisy, there is nothing for them to grip and they have to all sit together.  They can play together but they cannot sit together. 

It was beautiful day otherwise and both gangs enjoyed Southland Park.  Sierra joined us this morning.  She hasn't been out with us since her "human brother" was born in October.  She thoroughly enjoyed herself.  She loves to tease the other dogs and get them to chase her.  She had just about everyone from our group and almost every dog we ran into under her spell.  Unfortunately her dog sister Sheba could not make it today.  The walks are too long and cold for a 15 year old.  Nicky, Guiness and their cousin Res tore the place up and especially loved chasing and tackling Sierra and each other.  Copper was back to his old self and joined in on the chases as well. 

The afternoon group was quite large but very well behaved.  Penny B. led the pack for most of the walk with the rest of us trailing behind.  She seemed especially glad to be out and about with her pals.  The seniors, Hollie and Vinny, enjoyed the brisk afternoon and were able to keep up. 

This was Harley's last walk for a while and we will miss the Wal-Mart greetings he gave everyone in the park.  Sam, Penny S. and Clover were my girls and kept vying for my attention by putting their cold wet snouts on my hands (Clover wanted to do this but is too short so she just yapped.) 

When we were heading back to the van we ran into someone Cheetos knows from outside the park and he was begging to be taken home.  You could almost hearing the pleading, "you know where I live pleeeeese take me home."  He is such a princess!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dancing Goldens

Well our second full day in as many weeks!!  What beautiful, bright but cold day.  The morning group went to Southland and had a blast tearing around in the snow.  There weren't very many people or dogs at the park so they had a lot of freedom to run around and do their own thing.  The group was tiny (only four dogs).  Whistler, Everest, Rover and Ryder are all very independent so I was able to enjoy a cup of coffee as we strolled around. 

The afternoon group went to Edworthy and they were a little more energetic and playful.  Wilbur (my grand-pug) has started walking with the group.  Previously he only did ride alongs to get used to being in the truck and around the group.  He has learned from the best how to behave in a group and is not afraid of anything. 

I still don't have my truck back so I did not have balls and the chuck-it to play with today which disappointed the 6 retrievers in the group.  They made up for the lack of toys by chasing each other, doing a bit of wrestling, sliding on the snow like seals and doing lots of visiting.  We ended up at one point walking with three other packs.  All the dogs were amazingly well behaved and there was only one "argument" over a tennis ball and my group wasn't involved.  I was so proud!! 

On the way to the park we were listening to the radio and I was singing to the dogs.  Tucker (golden) enjoyed it so much he was doing the full body wag and spinning around.  It was great to have such an appreciative audience (if he only knew).  Speaking of full body wag Sam actually smacked herself in the eye she was wagging so hard.  Goldens are so easy to please. 

Thank you all for your patience with the weather struggles and the truck drama.  I should get my truck back tomorrow.  The van I am driving is not nearly as comfortable for me or the dogs nor is it as reliable on the snowy roads so I am going slower and still getting stuck on almost every side street.  The drop off times should go back to normal tomorrow or the day after. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Crappy Weather = Fun Times

This morning did not look like it would shape up to be a good day for dogs but it did.  I did not think that the little ones could handle the cold and their "parents" agreed so they stayed home.   I waited until the late morning to start picking up the bigger dogs.  Both groups went together to Southland.  Luckily with a group that big that the park was virtually empty.  We did not talk to anyone until we were there for an hour.  The entire north end of the field was ours and we took full advantage.  The dogs were like little children given a snow day from school.  They ran around in circles, shoved their noses in it and had grins from ear to ear.  Nicky and Guiness had their cousin Res (who is visiting) join the group.  She fit right in and she and Guiness lead the pack.  Both were extremely obedient and returned when I called them.  Penny B. seemed to enjoy Guiness and Res and spent most of her time at the front of the pack with them.  Miles and Rover decided that Everest needed to be tuned up big boy style and kept chasing him down and barking at him.  Everest did not seem to affected by the "attention" because as soon as he could get away he would zoom off and they would take off after him and do it again.  Georgie was so excited by the snow he was running around in circles.  Penny S, Vinny L and Clover were a little more mature and were happy to just trot around and occasionally stuff their noses in the snow. 

There were a lot of noisy geese flying by Southland this afternoon.  The dogs noticed and would stop and look up at them.  They were also facinated by the noise the graters made on the on-ramps.  Funny the things that they notice.  

When the walk was over all the dogs were happy to load up and take advantage of the body heat to warm themselves and melt the snow from their feet. 

I could not have asked for better behaved dogs. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another beautiful day for dogs!  Both groups went to Edworthy today.. together!! And it was awesome.  They were all so good.  (I had to go downtown to get a police check so I can take Everest to his PALS visits so we could not walk in the morning.) 

By the time we got to the park they were excited and ready to go play.  All the big guys jumped out of the truck even before the tailgate was down with Sid leading the way.  Gabby and Pina were in a crate and they sat there still as little statues until I opened the door for them and then the race was on.  Out came the ball chucker and a rousing game of fetch was on.  Frank, Ryder and Cheetos declined to join the festivities prefering to sniff and check out the area.  Sam, Georgie and Rover love the game of fetch and the sound of their own voices and provided the vocal accompaniment to the fun.  Bailey, always competitive, fetched and returned most of the balls that were thrown. 

After taking the edge off the energy we decided to walk and headed for the wooded section of the park.  The dogs really enjoy this area as there are lots of bushy treed areas to route around in.  There are not a lot of little creatures around during the day but I am sure that their scents are still detectable by all the snouts on the ground. 

When we came out of the woods and started back down the field area to the truck we ran into a couple who actually thought they were all mine.  One day I am going to say "yes" and see what kind of reaction that gets. 

After a big drink of water and a little bit of silliness all of the dogs loaded into the truck and we headed home. 

Thank you all for having happy dogs who listen and make the walks fun and manageable.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another confusing day weatherwise in Calgary.  It was so cold this morning I was going to put on longjohns before the afternoon walk.  Good thing I didn't because I did not even need a jacket in the afternoon.

The morning group was so mellow and low key.  They just routed around the park in an orderly fashion.  I guess there were a lot of schools out today because there were a lot more older kids at the park and they were all fasinated by the dogs.  Most of the kids were really good with them too which makes it a nicer experience when I don't have to peel a dog off a child.  It was Eli's last official day with the group as his mom gets back from Texas tonight.  It was also his best day.  He was very playful and enjoyed routing around with Everest.  Ryder and J acted as the official "little guy" greeters and had to be coaxed to stay with the group.  Rover and Whistler just did their own thing and met up with us at the end of the walk (just kidding) I knew where they were the whole time.

The afternoon group was so ROWDY!!  Gabby and Pina are back from their visit with extended family on the farm and were raring to go.  Meeko always a big crazy guy was loud and proud in the back of truck and Syd the Kid just cannot contain himself and MUST jump and run at every opportunity.  Add in the boxer sisters, Frank and Bailey and that makes for a very wild ride and even wilder walk in the park.  I had to start them with extended ball play just get them drained enough to walk nicely.  Once we got some of the goofiness out they settled down and were quite happy to sniff and visit with the other dogs. 

I really do love my furry friends and my job!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oh how lucky can we get?  Another beautiful day for dogs!!  Hopefully everyone that went to see Cesar enjoyed the presentation and was able to learn how to be a more effective pack leader.  Feel free to share any comments you had about the show.

Both groups enjoyed Southland today.  The morning group was quite excited to get to the park and scattered to the four corners to poop as soon as their feet hit the dirt.  Eli was a little shy to start again today but quickly warmed up when I brought out the ball.  He would steal it and then trot off and hide it in the grass.  Then I would send Whistler and Everest in to find it but he would scurry to it first and then prance around with it and tease the other dogs.  And truth be told me too!  After a while that got frustrating for us all and we abandoned ball play and took off on our adventure through the park.  We tried one of Cesar's suggestions and varied our route and the dogs seemed to like the new smells and terrain.  Nicky and Guiny-pig, Copper and even Ryder enjoyed getting lost in the tall grass and routing around for rodents.  Luckily I didn't find any.  Sweet Penny S. brought up the rear.  We missed Marty today.  He was in the hospital having "the surgery" and should be back in action (so to speak) next week.

The afternoon group was very mellow and the people at the park were very curious as to why this one was wearing a muzzle (eats poop) and why that one was shaking (just an old guy).  As we trapsed through the tall grass in another less traveled part of the park Harley actually got lost.  Poor little thing must have thought he was in a horrible corn maze.  Luckily he has a hearty bark and we were able to find him back at the beginning of the trail.  I was quite surprised that CPC Cheetos was able to make it through without getting lost or discusted with the dirt and grass touching him. 

With the sun going down earlier it seems that we are getting home later and later.  I am not sure why but it happens every fall and into winter.  If we are going to be more than ½ hour later that usual I will call with an update.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Both groups enjoyed Southland again today and it was beautiful!!  Frank, Everest, J, Rover, Ryder, Christy, Bruin and Yoko were very happy dogs.  There was lots of rolling and Ev and Rover went in the swamp just to make things a little more interesting.  Yoko is getting so much more comfortable with the group and is starting to play a little but only with Christy.  Ryder was happy J was back after a week off.  Its nice to have another little guy around who also likes to visit with everyone.  We had to stop several times so that the two of them could hang out with other little guys. 

The afternoon group found a ball and we all played fetch.  Well I kicked the ball and Bailey, Everest and Eli fetched.  Sometimes Meeko popped his gigantic head in and stole the ball and other times Destiny tried to block my foot.  Good thing she has a hard head.  Lots of people commented on the dogs.  How well they behaved for me and how well they got along with each other.  We even met a new dog that may become part of our pack in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for being so good guys.  Sidney pretty much led the pack as he ran circles around the other dogs and just for contrast Hollie was just moseying along and smelling the flowers so to speak. 

Four more sleeps until Cesar! 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

What a beautiful day for dogs.  Both groups enjoyed Southland park, the fresh air and the sunshine.  When the morning group got to the park their were people and dogs waiting to meet up with us.  Gary & Sisco and Tammy & Rio.  Tammy had liver treats to share with all the dogs.  Ryder especially loves these two as they always seem to have some yummy in their pockets.  Unfortunately they could not stay so it was long good byes before I could drag the pack toward the field for some exercise.  Once we got going everyone settled in to some good fun.  Everest had stolen a raw hide from Wilbur this morning and he looked like he was smoking a stoggy they way it was hanging out of his mouth.  The other dogs were a little envious but he held firm.  Jin was with us today and he could not have been happier.  He pranced around the park and sniffed up all the goodness. There aren't that many puddles left be he managed to get his paws dirty (he loves that.) 

The afternoon group was extremely well behaved as well.  We met some new friends last week (Sylvia, Ace and Tag) and they showed up to walk with us again this week.  Everyone was very welcoming.  Cheetos did not enjoy walking in the grass and by the pinched look on  his face you could tell that only the "lower classes" actually enjoy the dog park.  Harley was most happy to be with his buds and kept his "walmart" greeting down to just a few select individuals.  Eli (the new guy) was much more relaxed on this walk and seemed to be getting into the rhythem of the pack.  And as always Vinny Link brought up the rear. 

Cesar in five sleeps!!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Too Busy for the Dog Blog

I am sorry I missed updating you all on the dogs adventures in the last few days.  I got new carpet on Friday and the work to get ready for it is worse than moving. 

This morning the dogs went to Southland.  We had a new guy with us.  His name is Eli and he is a Chesapeake Bay ret.  (Kinda chocolate lab-like.)  He was a bit shy and everyone was really kind to him and did not force him into anything.  Luckily the group was small just Ryder, Everest, Whistler, Rover and Eli so I was able to pay a lot of attention to him. 

The afternoon group was a little bit more unweildly.  Lots more dogs which made for lots more fun.  The afternoon group went to Edworthy and by the time we got there it was quite warm.  Hollie the collie and Shea both switched to Monday walks so they had to get used to a new crowd.  Shea and Taylor were fast friends and enjoyed running and playing with each other.  They reminded me of girls in first grade who have found their new best friend.  Too cute.  Sam and Bailey spent some time wrestling even though this is not Sam's first idea of fun.  Sam was game for a while then put a definate stop to it.  Bailey, Frank and Shea found rolling to be quite invigorating.  The dried up grass must feel like someone scratching their backs.  Christy and Yoko joined us this afternoon as well.  They usually go for morning walks.  Christy doesn't care when she goes she just loves being at the park.  Yoko on the other hand is still a bit shy around the group but is getting more confident each time we go. 

I love my job and my furry friends.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Both groups enjoyed the colder weather at Southland today.  They did not seem to mind.  I guess if you get moving fast enough you stay warm.  Marty was our little clown.  He wanted to see what the big guys were doing so he got up on his hind legs and was walking around like that.  He looked like a groundhog!  Copper's personal space was being invaded by a lot of dogs and he finally couldn't take it anymore and went "postal" on the other dogs.  He is apparently quite attractive to other male dogs.  Bruin worked on obtaining Kipper as his new "sugar baby".  Kip and his mom Michelle walked with us today.  Nicky kept trying to steal the ball from Everest and then once he got it he would drop it and poor Everest was getting so confused.  Guiness, or Guiney Pig as he is affectionately know enjoyed a morning of rolling. 

The afternoon group was big and very good.  A woman with two dogs (one old and one pup) asked to join our group for the walk.  Her dogs got along great with our pack and everyone enjoyed the experience.  Sometimes it is nice to have someone speak English to me on the walks.  Georgie, Maya and Rover enjoyed some serious chasing and rough play.  Luckily there weren't that many people at the park and they could do that without any disapproving glances.  Clover provided running commentary for anyone who would listen.  Vinny Link and Hollie (my bestest seniors) kept up and I did not have to chase them down because they got distracted and wandered off and could not hear me.  Frank, Cheetos and Harley kept a low profile and were just good dogs. 

I love my job and my furry friends.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Snow and Wind

What a yucky day to be outside.  The dogs did not seem to mind but I didn't like it.  The morning group grew by two this morning.  Aija and Sol's "mom" went to the hospital to have her human baby and they got to go out with the dogs.  (At this time we don't know yet what she had.)  Vinnie R., Ryder, Everest, Whistler and Bruin were happy to have them along.  Well actually Vinnie was not happy to see Aija because she doesn't put up with any nonsense and Vinnie is known to be full of beans.  He strategically avoided her for the entire walk.  Our group joined up with Jennifer and her gang and the dogs enjoyed a happy and virtually stress free walk. 

The afternoon group went to Edworthy.  Gabby and Pina are on holidays so the group was much more mellow as those two are usually the life of the party.  Sam wrestled with Everest and Bailey but she did not like it when Rover joined in.  He can be a bit pushy but we love him anyway.  Destiny and Taylor were full of pent up weekend energy and raced around with each other and our sweet Penny S. enjoyed a more mellow afternoon experience.  And Frank was just Frank.  He is so cute and unusual looking that he gets a lot of attention from the people in the park.  Unfortunately, he doesn't appreciate it like some of the others do.

Cesar tip: Feral dogs are often fearful of people.  When working with a frightened dog, it's always best to hold back and follow the "no talk, no touch, no eye contact" rule until the dog becomes comfortable with your presence.*

*Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

This tip is good to remember ourselves and to teach children about approaching any strange dog.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday and Friday

Thursday was another glorious and very busy day for dogs!  Both groups went to Southland and managed to stay out of the thick gooey mud.  Our morning group consisted of rowdy boys which usually works out well as they all seem to get along and enjoy the really rough play.  But not today, as soon as we got to the park they all went their merry ways and I was cleaning up poop all over the park.  After a few minutes they settled down and got into the groove and stayed together. 

The afternoon group was large and quite varied.  Boys, girls, pups, seniors, big, little you name it we had something (or someone) for every taste.  We recieved a couple of comments on the diversity of the dogs.  As long as the people we met were petting the dogs did not care what they had to say.   Cheetos the pug especially like the petting. 

Friday was cooler and the groups were smaller and much more mellow.  In the morning there was only Everest, Rover, Ryder, Whistler and Bruin.  They were so well behaved I could've stayed in the truck and finished my coffee and then called them in 75 minutes. 

The afternoon group was a bit more rowdy and they (and by they I mean Sid) literally jumped out of the truck when we got to the park.  Penny and Miles Barker joined us today which was nice as we have not seen much of them lately.  Penny S seemed to enjoy this afternoon group as they were not quite so rowdy.  We met up with Jennifer and the Lets Get Walked group and enjoyed a nice walk through the woods. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another beautiful day for dogs!  How lucky can we get?  The morning group got to take advantage of Southland park.  Everyone was giddy about finally getting there as was I.  This was a very vocal group and they protested any delays in having fun and with 50% goldens in the group it is not really a surprise.  Lucy, Tucker, Havoc and Whistler led the charge as the entire gang fell out of the truck and raced to the gates.  Everest still does not know he can jump out the truck so he stood on the tail gate and howelled.  J and Ryder enjoyed investigating the garbage left by careless dog owners at the side of the parking lot but Rover was by far the most noisy.  Everyone knew he was in the park.  Sisco and her man-servant Gary joined us for part of the walk.  Ryder and J REALLY like these two.  J likes to chase Sisco and Ryder likes Gary's crack filled dog treats.  I swear since he gave one to Ryder a couple of weeks ago I have a hard time getting him to follow our pack.

The afternoon group was big and bouncy as usual.  We went to Edworthy.  The fabulous blondes were again very much into fetching with Destiny and Everest tagging along for the exercise.  Meeko, Sidney and Taylor made an unlikely trio but made the games work for them - dogs really do not see "size" the same way we do (Meeko is probably over 100 pounds, and the other two are considerabley smaller).  A couple of times I just had to pray that they would not take out my knees as they sped around the park.  The little guys, Frank and Casey, just kept a safe but visible distance lest they get run over. 

 I love my job and my fuzzy, crazy and unpredictable friends.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fab Monday

What a beautiful day for dogs.  Are you getting tired of hearing that?  I am not.  The morning group went to Southland and enjoyed the sunshine and the mudd puddles.  Everyone got quite mucky except for Ryder - he had enough class to not indulge in that behaviour.  The rest of them ran through the puddles, lapped up the yummy water and Rover even rolled in it.  Vinnie blue eyes was his cheeky little self today and made a point to tease anyone he could to get them to play.  It was quite funny when he tried to take the ball from Everest and Everest being about 25 pounds heavier realized he had the weight advantage and Vinnie realized he might have bitten off more than he could chew and quickly backed off the ball.  Jin was so happy to see his buddies after almost two weeks away from them but he was sleepy when we got back to the truck and took up most of the back seat for a nap.  Rover has made me proud again today - three days in a row without a muzzle!! Way to go Rover!!

After a quick lunch break at my house so Wilbur could have lunch and stretch his tiny legs we were on the road again.  This afternoon was almost all females.  And it is true what they say - they are much, much harder to handle than an all boy group.  The fabulous blondes (Gabby, Pina, Sam and Bailey) were right into ball chasing and discouraging anyone else from joining the group.  They tolerated Everest and Destiny was allowed to tag along but nobody else was getting that ball.  Penny S. came with the afternoon group today and she usually is with the more mellow morning group.  She was exhausted by the time we got back to the truck.  It is hard work being around all those extroverts.  Frank, too, was exhausted and snuggled up to me in the "girl friend" seat on ride home. 

I love my job and my furry friends. 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Freaky Friday

Gross! Gross! Gross weather this morning.  Who expected snow the day after reaching 23 degrees?  The morning group bore the brunt of the snow and perservered - except Ryder who wanted to be put in the truck after about 30 minutes.  Poor little thing was shaking and shivering so bad I had to turn the heat up extra high.  Bruin, Rover, Whistler, Everest and Frank soldiered on.  There were very few friends at the park but we did manage to run into and walk with Nakita and Neo (huskies) and their mom for a short time. 

The afternoon cleared up and looked promising but ended up just confusing us.  We walked at Edworthy and the dogs were all very well behaved.  Destiny and Taylor (the boxer sisters) seemed happy to be back with the group after several days at the kennel and were "flirting" with Sidney.  He was very happy to have their attention and appreciated that they could run as fast as he could.  They did not have the stamina so he had to come back for them several times.  Bailey and Sam just wanted to fetch and had no interest in anything else.  Gabby and Pina were very social with the people at the park and as usual made new friends (as if anyone has a choice with those two social butterflies). 

Cesar Tip: Small dogs often use their teeth to dominate, because we let them get away with much more threatening or aggressive behaviour than we would a larger dog.  No matter how small and cute your dog is, biting or baring teeth is not an acceptable behaviour.*

* Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday is the New Wednesday

Another glorious day at the park for the dogs!  Both groups went to Southland today and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Both groups were large but surprisingly very well-behaved.  The morning group welcomed Havoc (an 8 month old golden) who is not really new to me but new to off leash.  I usually just drop by his house and let him and three (yes, 3) siblings out for a pee and some play time first thing in the morning.  Today he came with the group to burn off some excess energy and had a blast. 

The afternoon group was late to get home as we hit the afternoon rush after taking Sammy home.  No problem as everyone was ready for a nap.  The seniors (Vinny and Hollie) were perky today and determined to keep up with the younger dogs.  Shea the social butterfly was prancing around and pouncing on something in the tall grass.  I thought she was chasing a mouse but it turns out she was chasing a bug.  Rover had a blast actually hunting mice.  I don't know if he actually has ever caught one but the grin on his face tells me that he probably has.  The only unfortunate incident was some who shall remain nameless, ironically, forgot his name and had to go on leash. 

Cesar Tip: To get your dogs to associate the vet's office with a postive experience, take them on a long walk before you arrive.  Then, try bringing them into the office on a day when no treatment is scheduled and just let them relax in the waiting room and maybe even get a treat for a staff member.*

*Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Day After the Long Weekend

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and had a good harty helping of turkey and pie.  I know I did!!

Another beautiful day for dogs.  Both groups went to Southland and thankfully the puddles have all but dried up.  It was Whistler, the boys (Copper, Everest, Guinny, Marty, Nicky, Ryder and Bruin) and me this morning and everyone was extremely well behaved.  Marty is still has a man-crush on Copper but Copper is taking it in stride and trying (but not succeeding) in getting Marty to stop being so affectionate.  Everest and Mika played together for a while.  Mika and his mom joined us for part of the walk.  Bruin made sure that the new guy knew who was the boss.  Unfortunately for Bruin I had to explain that I was the boss not him.  Nicky and Guiness are so sweet and easy and only seem to get rowdy with each other.  When we stopped at my house for lunch Marty got to play with Wilbur.  Wilbur enjoyed being around a dog that is within 75 pounds of him as he usually gets to play with Everest at lunchtime.

The afternoon group was a joy today too.  Lets keep this up guys.  Even the seniors Hollie and Vinny were chipper and able to keep up.  Vinny stole the ball from the young guys, Everest and Georgie.  Clover was a bit miffed that she wasn't fast enough to get the ball from a couple of retrievers but she did enjoy when an older lady admired her.  Harley got back from a two week holidays with his aunty and was right back into the thick of things.  Several people tried to pet him today and he was gracious with the women but did not like the men trying to pet him.  Frank came back from two weeks in Edmonton and was right back in this place in the group like he never left. 

I love my job and my furry friends!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

New Friends and Old Dogs

Another glorious day for dogs!  Two of the three groups yesterday went to Southland and one went to Edworthy.  The temperature was in the low 20s and is a real treat for October.

The morning group welcomed our new friends Yoko (pug mix) and Christy (a shepherd mix) to the group.  They are sisters and live in McKenzie Lake.  Yoko was a bit shy at first being around such a big group of dogs but quickly came out of her shell when the real fun chasing began.  Christy just fit right in and was ready for anything.  Marty is still in love with Copper much to Copper's dismay.  Luckily, Hershey from Lets Get Walked distracted Marty for a while and Copper was able to enjoy some "big boy" time.  Ziggy was a little lost without Everest but was able to find some other big boys to play with.  Guiness had oral surgery the day before and was still ready and willing to get out for his walk.  What a tough boy!

With the afternoon group I was on "senior watch."  Usually it is the pups that have to be watch constantly but yesterday I had Vinny L. and Hollie and both are stubborn, independent old dogs that I absolutely love to death but they tend to do their own thing.  Shea and Georgie are still in love and have a great time wrestling and chasing each other.  When I dropped Georgie off Shea actually cried for him.  Sam, Bailey, Clover and Cheetos were happy to just plod along and enjoy the great smells.  Most of the dogs were quite mellow and affectionate - each looking for a little bit of attention while we walked.  I think it might have been the heat.  After a drink of water they all settled down for naps and the ridiculous drive home - traffic was a nightmare and I just realized that most people were probably trying to get out of town for the long weekend. 

The third group and I made it to the park by 6:30.  Whistler and Rover were good dogs and just did their own thing.  Rover likes to  hunt for mice and Whistler likes to visit people and get petted.  Everest was mad because I put a muzzle on him.  He has been eating everything in sight and then getting sick in the truck.  If anyone has suggestions on what I could do to stop him from gorging on the "treats" at the park please let me know. 

Have a wonderful long weekend and I hope you all enjoy your family, friends and a lovely Thankgiving dinner!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday Dog Stories

Another beautiful day for dogs!!!  The morning group went to Southland for a liesurely stroll around the park.  Marty (our new Hava-poo) just loves Copper.  Copper on the other hand can do without all the affection.  This is Marty's second week with us and his confidence has increased significantly in such a short time.  Nicky, Guiny-pig and Bruin, as always, were my sweet boys.  They are always seeking positive attention and they always get it.  We ran into Reo and his nanny Tammy today but unfortunately they were just leaving but got to walk with Penny S and her mom, Trudy.

The afternoon group was a big one but a very quiet one.  I did not have to use my voice often which makes me very happy.  They were all serene and mild mannered.  Well...Rover and Sarge did do some chasing but they did it quietly.  We had a wonderful stroll through the forest and saw all the fallen leaves and pretty fall colours and felt the sun on our faces.  Hollie the collie got confused at one point and we had to back track to pick her up from another group.  She is just so happy to be out and about she doesn't even mind which group she joins.  They were happy to have her too.  Cheetos was just happy to be able to walk on a dry path while Sam, Everest, Bailey and Georgie just loved rooting in the bushes.  Clover was happy to not be knocked over by a speeding retriever. 

Cesar tip: Just because a dog gets As in obedience doesn't mean that a dog is psychologically balanced, any more than a degree from Harvard means a person has it all together.*

* Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Monday, October 4, 2010


Another beautiful day for dogs.  I was frightened when I saw the rain early this morning but it stopped by the time we got to the park and the dogs did not get too wet and gross.  Both groups went to Southland today.

The morning group welcomed our newest and tiniest pack member.  His name is Wilbur and he is a 9 week old black pug.  He is not actually walking with group but doing daycare with his "gramma" until he is old enough to walk with the big guys.  Right now he seems to have no fear and moves easily in and around the big guys in the back yard.  Jin, Vinnie R., Everest, Whistler, Sarge, Rover, Ryder and Penny were very kind and gentle with Wilbur.  You should all be proud.  This morning was a mess of dogs just having a good time being dogs.  No real games were played but everyone was happy and playful and easy to manage. 

The afternoon group was full of goofy females and Everest.  We started off at the river because it turned out hotter than I expected.  Then we moved to the field and I brought out the balls.  It was quite a sight to see all the dogs running for the balls.  I had the chuckit and another one I was kicking.  Dogs from all over were coming over and joining in the fun and games.  We met several new friends - Fletcher the crazy choco lab and Dizzy an older boarder collie among others.  Our pack, which is usually quite protective of each other and their space seemed to welcome all comers.  Bailey, Sam, Destiny, Gabby, Pina, Taylor and Clover all had their tongues hanging out the sides of their mouths by the time we were ready to go home.  I got a lot compliments on their behaviour and of course their natural good looks. 

I love my furry friends and my job!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Today started out as another BEAUTIFUL day for dogs.  I love the colours of fall.  We were lucky that the rain held off until we were getting ready to leave the park this afternoon.  Both groups went to Southland. 

The morning group welcomed our new friend Marty.  Marty is a 5-month-old Hava-Poo.  He is very small, has long black curls that will quickly become dreadlocks hanging around with us at the park.  He was a bit nervous being with a pack of strangers but seemed to relax a bit as we neared the end of the walk.  I know that Marty will become an integral member of our pack as he grows in size and confidence.  Luckily the rest of the gang ignored him, for the most part, after they checked him out thoroughly.  Copper has been sad since his buddy Diego died last week but seemed to rebound today when Reo and his nanny, Tammy, joined us.  Reo is a funny looking labradoodle but the nicest guy.  Nicky and Guiness were just their normal sweet selves (well except when Nicky would steal Everest's ball and then tease him with it.)  Whistler was the only one to make a complete mess of herself and in fact I am still waiting for her to dry (5 hours later).

The afternoon group was quite a mix of dogs.  Something for every taste but surprisingly they all got along.  Interesting to note that the two afternoon goldens (Lucy and Tucker) were the only ones to get themselves filthy too.  Maybe it is a golden thing?  His royal highness Cheetos was not thrilled to be out with commoners but gamely stuck it out although he would not touch the grass with his dainty toes and insisted on constant attention in the truck but scratching my arm while I was driving.  Clover, Hollie and Bruin mainly kept to themselves while Vinny R. made sure that everyone knew he was at the park.  He is such a party animal. 

Please remember that I am away Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11.  Starting in October I will be offering regular walks on Saturdays.  The walk times will vary depending on demand. 

Cesar tip: Owners who have allowed their dogs to rule the house for many years will have to be especially persistent in upholding new rules if they want to see permanent change.*

*Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Beautiful Fall

What a gorgeous day!  It just got warmer and warmer as the day progressed.  LOVE IT!!

The morning group went to Southland.  It was a warm up (so to speak) for the afternoon group.  Everest, Jin, Ryder, Rover and Whistler were all so well behaved.  Rover had a grin on his face from ear to ear as he went about hunting for those darn mice.  Jin always enjoys his adventures with his pals and gets so excited that he does a little dance for me on Monday mornings.  Even Ryder was in a good mood this morning (some days he wakes up cranky). 

The afternoon group was a little more fiesty but only for the first few minutes.  We played a vigorous game of fetch that everyone participated in except for Sol and Aija.  They had other things to do besides chasing tennis balls.  Gabby, Pina, Bailey and Sam really got into the game and of course the boxer sisters, Destiny and Taylor just went along for the exercise.  When we arrived at Edworthy there was two other dog walkers waiting to park and at least two others who had just unloaded.  There must have been close to 50 dogs in the immediate area for at least five minutes and not one fight, curled lip or growl was heard.  I was extremely proud of my group for their friendly behaviour.  By the time the walk was over the heat was getting to the dogs and they happily lapped up 4 litres of water and settled down for an afternoon nap. 

Everest and I have taken two of Larry's training classes.  Please consider attending this seminar.   

The K9 Counselor Presents
Understanding and Applying
Philosophy Of Leadership

If you have ever struggled with understanding your dog and why it does or does not do certain things, then this seminar is for you. The K9 Counselor (Larry Neilson) has over thirty years of hands on experience working with dogs. Larry has carefully studied canine behaviors and most importantly what he refers to as "behavior drivers"

This seminar is designed to help you become a better leader. A leader your dog will trust and respect.
During the course of this seminar Larry will discuss topics such as ; Philosophy, Equipment, The "Balanced Training" Method, Instinctual Stimuli, Fundamental rules, Phases of Training, Myths, the Dogs Senses, Energy, How Dogs Learn, Teaching vs Controlling, Pack Leaders and Pack Instincts, the Role of Confidence, Respect and How to Earn it, Behavior Drivers, and more. There will also be a live demonstration immediately following the seminar.
Questions will be accepted and answered

When:            Sunday October 24th, 2010
Time:             2:00 PM until approximately 4:30 PM 
Where:           Dogsville, Bay 2, 4921-120 Ave SE
Admission: $50.00 per person

Call 403-257-5257 or 403-651-7987 to register
Method of Payment: Cheque, MC or Visa

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sun Sun Mr. Golden Sun

Wow!!  What a beautiful day for dogs and their walker.  No towels, not smelly coats, no smeared floors.  I love it.  There are still large mud puddles but for the most part the dogs stayed out of them (well almost everyone - Sam, Rover & Everest!)  I think that the three of them just wanted to get into the river for a while.

Both groups went to Southland today.  Whistler, Bruin, Everest, Guinny pig, Nicky, Ryder and Ziggy enjoyed the morning walk.  There seemed to be a lot of black labs at the park today and this excited Ziggy and Ev.  I'm not sure how they do it but they gravitate to their own kind.  Whistler found the disgusting boggy areas of the park and was still gross when I got home.  Nicky and Guinness have so much fun together.  They truly love each other which is very sweet.  Ryder was in a good mood this morning which was nice because he is not usually a morning guy.

The afternoon group welcomed back Clover after rehab and she was thrilled to out and about with her buddies although she was not thrilled to have to sit beside them in the truck - the girl likes her space.  The midgets (CPC Cheetos, Harley, and Frank) were happy to be dry and warm for a change.  Hollie the collie bless her old heart just loves to be outside and she tries so hard to keep up and be involved in everything.  Shae, our little party animal, never met a person, animal or blade of grass she did not like. 

I will be offering the referal bonus again.  Know any fun friendly dogs refer them to Fun for Dogs and recieve a $75.00 credit to your dog's walks. 

Cesar tip: Always make sure your leadership with your dog is firmly in place before bringing a baby into the home.  After that, treat the new arrival as an extension of your own leadership.  Create firm and non-negotiable boundaries for the dogs, don't allow excitement, and remember always to supervise infants and animals.*

*Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday All Day

Again we were lucky with the rain holding off for the walks.  Both groups went to Southland today. 

Copper, Everest, Guiness, Nicky, Ryder and especially Whistler enjoyed getting out today.  Whistler had been camping all weekend and although she loves that she misses getting to run free at the park.  Copper and Everest played which is really funny considering the size differance.  Mostly they would just stare at each other until one or the other would jump and then they would bark and run around and then set up to stare at each other again.  Copper misses beagle buddy Diego quite a bit.  Nicky, as usual, bossed all the other dogs around at the park - some of them listened and others didn't but he kept on trying.  Ryder and Guinness were just their normal sweet selves.  Everyone stayed out of the puddles but Nicky & Whistler with their long hair still got quite messy. 

Nobody has more fun at the park then Georgie.  That kid just goes and doesn't care what else is going on around him.  He unfortunately found the mud puddles and was quite gross when I got him home.  Baby Rose was with us again today and she is learning very quickly that not all dogs like her &/or want to play with her.  She is learning to stay with the pack if she gets frightened.  Hollie is back to afternoon shift now that we have no fear of overly warm weather anymore.  She was able to stay with the group which is quite something considering her age but as soon as she got comfy in the back seat of the truck I heard a big sigh and she fell asleep.  Harley, Rover and Cheetos just enjoyed the fresh air, exercise and being with friends. 

Cesar tip:  Improving your dog's behaviour is like staying on a diet.  You'll see lasting results only if you stick with it for a long time.*

*Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Please remember/note that I will NOT being walking dogs on Friday, October 8.  Acara from See Spot Run will be happy to walk your dog. 

Mellow Morning and Rowdy Afternoon

Well we still didn't have sunshine but the rain held offf for both walks on Monday.  The morning group was so mellow I could have sat in my truck with a coffee and a book and called them 75 minutes later.  With only four boys - Jin, Rover, Ryder and Everest - there wasn't much I had to do.  They were so good they didn't even slosh around in the mud puddles like they usually do.  There was a lot of running through the tall grass and a couple of them went "hunting" for mice. 

I used the morning group to build up my strength for the afternoon group!  This bunch was much much busier and rowdier than their friends in the morning.  The girls obviously ruled the park and the pack and the two boys (Frank and Copper) just tagged along.  Baby Rose and Taylor are now best friends and they played HARD together.  Sometimes it was hard to see where one left off and the other one started.  Casey was the smallest and the oldest of the pack but she definitely has not lost her leadership qualities.  Everyone got along great and I was really proud of their manners and recall when we met up with other individual dogs and groups at the park. 

On a sad note - our little buddy Diego the beagle died late last week.  He died of some sort of non-contagious lung problem.

Dear Diego,
Rest in peace porkchop.  You will be missed.
Ellen and all your friends

Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Soggy Dogs

When will it end?  Even for a west coast girl like me this is too much!!  Both groups went to Southland park today.  They all thoroughly enjoyed the mud puddles or mosch pits as they wrestled in the mud.  This was not just a couple of dogs but ALL the dogs.  I spent quite a bit of time cleaning mucky paws and tummies.  Please forgive me for the piles of sand in your houses. 

Copper missed his best buddy Diego who was out with a serious lung problem.  He seemed lonely in the morning and in the afternoon broke out of his funk and tried to get Harley, the Walmart greeter, to chase him.  Harley was not that interested.  

Georgie was by far the dog having the most fun today.  He was just giddy with excitement about being out with his buddies.  But it was little Shay that kept everyone on their toes.  For being new to the pack and being so young she sure can get the boys hopping.  She played with Everest, Georgie, Vinnie  but wisely stayed away from CPC Cheetos and Franky (they don't dig bouncy puppies.)

Cesar Tip: Everyone needs to be consistent when giving discipline so the dog doesn't get mixed messages about which behaviours are or aren't allowed. *

*Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Towels, Towels, Towels Please!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Soggy Doggy

What a gross day weather wise!  Wet all around.  The only consolation to the bad weather is that the parks are virtually empty and that lets us have more room for fun!!

Maya from McKenzie Towne and Vinnie blue eyes got to join the Monday regulars Rover, Everest, Whistler, Ryder, Bruin and Jin.  The only one to complain about the weather was Ryder but he is not known as the outdoorsy type.  The highlight of his walk was running into some Schnauzers and having a bark-fest with them.  Bruin was a little slow after spending a week off at the cottage with the 'rents and had to take several breaks where he sat down and waited for the group to move before he got up again.  Mostly the dogs enjoyed roughhousing and splashing in the puddles. 

The afternoon nutjobs (Bailey, Sam, Gabby, Pina, Taylor, Destiny and Everest) enjoyed playing ball while Frank watched from the sidelines.  I usually start this group off with several minutes of high intensity fetch in order to burn off some of the tension from driving.  They love the competition and usually end up calm and easy to manage before we set out into the park for sniffing and socializing with other dogs and packs.  Mostly it was other packs in the park and at one point four groups converged at the same intersection of paths.  That was quite a sight - that many dogs all getting along.  Time for us people to say "hi" check in for any news and then split up and move on again.  You can all be VERY proud of your furry friends today.  I saw nothing but good behaviour.

Cesar Tip:  Even though it may seem cute at first, never let a little dog get away with anything you wouldn't let a big dog get away with.  Remember, dogs are dogs first, before breed and name.*

* Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Remember to leave towels by the door for messy paws. 


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Service Dogs and New Dogs

We welcomed the dry cool weather.  It made for a pleasant walk.  Both groups were at Southland today.  They all enjoyed the huge mud puddles and took advantage of running through with faces happily down and slurping up the scummy water or just having a little rest to cool off after running around for a while.  The morning dogs seemed to pair off to play - Everest and Ziggy, Nicky and Guiness, Copper and Diego while Ryder and Vinny maintained their "cool dude" attitude and played lone wolves.  Rounding everyone up to go home was the challenge of the day.  They all seemed to want to stay longer and scattering at the end seems to accomplish this goal.  This morning we met up with Eli and his "dad".  Eli is a service dog for an autistic boy and his dad was telling me about how the school board has denied the boy the right to have his service dog in the classroom with him.  What a shame that this dog cannot do the job he has been trained to do.

The afternoon the group welcomed Shea to the pack.  She is a 9-month-old blue healer cross.  She is very well behaved and has a nice even temperament and an unusual love of tiny dogs.  All the dogs were patient with her but she formed a special friendship with Georgie (labradoodle) and they played together quite a bit.  Several times we had to cut across the park and the dogs all enjoyed plundering through the tall grass.  Well all the dogs except for CPC Cheetos.  (CPC stands for crown prince of Calgary.)  He refused to venture into the grass as he hates to get his teeny precious feet wet and consequently we had to plunder back through the grass have him rejoin the pack.  Harley and he other small dogs loved getting into the grass and came out the other sides with huge grins on their faces.  The dogs also seemed to enjoy it when I would weave in and out of the mounds of dirt - hide and seek for dogs!  Frank looked so handsome with his hair washed and cut but his "dad" would not be pleased to have seen him standing in the puddles.  

Cesar Tip: As service dogs prove, animals don't care if their owners have physical disabilities.  If people project the energy of a pack leader - mental strength, not physical perfection - they can always become strong calm-assertive dog owners.*

*Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wild Dogs

The morning group got absolutely soaked!  Imagine what 8 wet dogs smells like.  YUCKY!!  But boy did they have FUN.  Southland was virtually empty and the dogs took full advantage of the space and freedom to be just dogs.  Maya, Everest, Rover and Sydney ran and chased and barked and tackled each other.  I am surprised that they had enough energy to walk back to the truck.  If anyone saw them they would have thought that they had gone wild.  So much fun to see them enjoy being animals and most importantly nobody got hurt.  Vinny Link and Whistler tried to join in but only had short bursts of energy for the cause.  Even for dogs it sucks getting old.  Poor little J and Ryder looked and acted like drown, shivering rats.  It's not easy being little in this climate.

The afternoon group went to Edworthy and we enjoyed a brief dry spell.  As this is such a high energy group we started out playing ball.  The blondes - Sam, Pina, Gabby and Bailey were most invested in this game although Meeko the fetching great dane got the ball a few times and the boxer sisters made a jaunty effort although they still don't know why they are running.  Slevin & Meeko enjoyed some big boy play and wrestled off and on.  We met up with Jennifer and her Lets Get Walked group and it made quite a sight all those dogs getting along and enjoying just being together. 

As always, I love my job and my hairy, wet and stinky friends!!

PS Please leave some old towels by the door.

Cesar Tip: Dogs live in the moment.  That's why they can quickly overcome years of behavioural issues with the proper guidance.*

*Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What a glorious fall day.  Beautiful sunshine and not too hot.  Both groups went to Southland today and enjoyed the gigantic mud puddles created by the long weekend rain.  Mud boots for everybody except Hollie the collie.  Copper, Diego, Guiness, Nicky, Ryder, Penny and Everest had a good time chasing each other.  Copper especially enjoyed chasing after Everest.  It was too cute to see such a big dog (Everest) being such a big chicken with a little guy.  E would jump back and put his hackles up and then run in huge circles with Copper chasing.  This was so much fun that Diego and a boxer we met earlier joined in the fun.  Penny and Nicky made sure everyone else stayed in line.  We had the opportunity to say hello to the morning regulars and Aija and Sol's friend Khalua.  Everyone was patient as I cleaned up all the poop and coffee cups left by the weekend walkers.  YUCKY!      

The afternoon group included Harley (our Wal-Mart greeter), Rover (our mouse hunter), Aija and Sol (our friendly couch potatoes), Copper and Diego (our beagle boys), "cranky" Franky who wasn't really cranky at all and Baby E (again because, yes, I spoil my dog).  We made quite a noisy enterance to the park but the dogs quickly settled down which is good because there seemed to be a lot more people there this afternoon.  We ran into Newman a friendly mutt who enjoys good old rough play and everyone took turns playing with him.  Later we caught up to a woman named Tara who has a two year old female Caine Courso that she would like to find a good home for.  The dog is black and looks tough but is really well behaved and friendly.  She has good manners in the house and has been spayed.  If you know anyone who would want her please let me know.       

Cesar Tip: Giving comfort and affection to a dog when it displays nervousness, fear or aggression will nuture the unwanted behaviour.*

*The Dog Whisperer, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Good Dogs

This morning was a bit chilly but about half way through the walk the sun was shining down on us all.  Both groups walked at Southland today.  All the dogs were exceptionally well behaved today and not one of them got into the swamp!!  YAY!!  That smells sooo gross - both of my retrievers went in yesterday.  YUCK.  Ziggy was back after a long summer vacation and Everest was happy to have his buddy back.  Nicky, Guiness, Diego and Copper get along so well and really enjoy each other.

It was a big group this afternoon and surprisingly everyone was extremely well behaved until it came time to head back to the truck and then there was a minor revolt as Sam, Bruin and Everest made a run for the river.  That meant I had to turn the rest of the group around and hurd them back toward the river.  Cheetos, Diego and Copper were tired by this point and were reluctant to move from the places they had parked themselves.  It took a lot of coaxing and a couple of leashes to get those stubborn little boys moving again.  Once at the river everyone took the opportunity to cool off and get just wet enough for dust to stick nicely to the paws.  Prior to the revolt Baby Rose pranced around chasing grasshoppers as only a 5 month old puppy can do.  Harley assigned himself to "greeter" duties and wanted to remain at the parking lot gates saying hello to everyone as they came through. 

Cesar Tip: Feeling sorry for a dog that has been abused can actually have negative repercussions for the very animal you want to help.  In the animal world, sympathy is a weak energy.  The best thing we humans can do for abused animals is to provide them with the kind of confident, calm-assertive leadership they can trust, and to give them room to regain their natural peach of mind.*

* Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Good Dogs

The morning started out chilly but the dog were raring to go when we hit Southland park.  The morning group was big but very well behaved as a couple of people noted at the park.  We walked with Acara from See Spot Run and her group and people were amazed at how well the dogs got along.  Now that does not mean that they were perfect animals by any means.  Copper still rolled in something that clung to his coat in smelly lumps for the majority of the day (boy did he ever get mad when I took him to the river to wash off!!) and Nicky still bossed all the young boys around and Everest lost his expensive chain and all his tags.  (At least I now know that choking by a training collar is not likely.)  Penny, Bruin, Georgie and Ryder just hung out.

The afternoon brought the sun and a temperature of about 17C.  This group was dominated by the little guys - Cheetos, Harley, Frank, Copper and Diego and everyone was really well behaved.  We almost lost Vinny Link in the tall grass but he eventually emerged and a little miffed at being left behind but none the worse for wear.  Whistler joined us this afternoon and she participated in a study being done by a vet student at U of C (well actually, her poop did).  The young woman was studying parasites in dogs and coyotes and the subsequent or possible transmission to human.  Kinda gross but necessary.  She asked if she could take photos of the dogs to use on their website.  I will let you know if they show up. 

Cesar Tip:  By worrying that a dog attack might happen, you can actually contribute to creating a dog attack.  Remember to live in the moment and trust that you can handle any situation that occurs.*

* Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sugar Daddies and Ball Chasers

This morning started out cold but that did not stop Bruin from finding a new sugar baby and Sydney from finding a sugar daddy.  Although I am not sure how that union came to be as Sydney runs so fast that his back paws could actually be seen beside his ears.  Sydney was the life of the party this morning.  He and Everest went a bit nutty in the back of truck on the way to the park and they chased and wrestled each other until poor Baby E had to take a break.  We welcomed back Penny S. this morning - so very happy to have her mature and loving personality in the pack.  As well Ryder is back from a summer with his teacher "daddy."

The weather improved this afternoon and the sun came out for Frank, Gabby, Pina, Sam, the Boxer sisters and Everest to enjoy some fetching.  The first 15 - 20 minutes was spent throwing the ball as far and as often as I could.  This is a high energy group and they needed to have the edge taken off before the socializing can begin.  It is funny to see the boxers engaging in fetch.  They put on a good show but are not quite sure why they are running. 

Frank was with us on both walks today and is feeling much better.  A little exercise and friendship goes a long way to making a guy feel good. 

Cesar Tip:
Humans who spoil dogs are not doing the dogs any favours.  Usually, the behaviour is simply to make the human feel better.*

Have you got your tickets yet?

* Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, The Ultimate Episode Guide

Thursday, August 26, 2010

30 Degrees

What a hot day especially the afternoon.  The morning group and the afternoon group both went to Southland.

This morning Hollie the collie and I were stuck with a pack of boys.  Copper and Diego chased each other and found several placed to roll around.  Come the afternoon there wasn't as much frolicking by these two (both come out with the group for both walks on Tues and Thurs).  They were so hot!  Georgie thought that a dust bath would cool him down.  It just made him dusty.  Ryder (schnoodle) refused to move beyond the shade and Cheet's (pug) tongue was hanging pretty low.  Cheets barked in the truck.  I have only heard him bark once before and he has been with the pack literally since the beginning 3½ years ago.  Nicky and Guiny mostly played together.  Penny Schiaroli and her mom, Trudy, walked with us.  Penny is coming back full time on Monday - YAY!

This afternoon most of the dogs enjoyed getting into the river even if they weren't necessarily water dogs.  Maya (pitt bull-ish), Taylor and Destiny (boxers) and of course Sam the ham (GR) spent quite a bit of time wading in or swimming in the water.  I did not even have to throw anything.   We moved from water hole to water hole along the Bow.  Even little Harley enjoyed getting is feet wet which is something I haven't seen before.  Franky wasn't feeling good so he missed the walk however, he seemed OK when I checked on him on my way home.   Vinny Link was feeling the heat and it affected his mood - boy was he a cranky boy!  It's a good thing that he is so handsome - makes it easier to forgive.

I love my job and my four-legged friends!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday

Sometimes us old girls get tired after taking three groups to park in one day.  Sorry about no update but there was still plenty going on.  Like for instance Vinnie R. and his new red collar.  He looked so handsome and the colour really offset his beautiful blue eyes.  Speaking of eyes Vinnie only had them for Taylor one of our new boxer sisters.  Sorry Vinnie she not intersted in you that way.  Baby Rose decided that she needed a mud bath after working up quite a sweat.  She literally rolled over in the mud puddle and stuck her face in it.  She was so gross!!  Straight to the kennel for her (that stuff is so sticky.)  Rover continues to impress me with is patience and good behaviour as we work towards transitioning him out of his muzzle.  Way to go Buddy!!

The morning group was full of beagles/collies and mixes thereof which is always good for a laugh.  They all get along so well it is just fun to watch them.  I especially get a lot of interest in the two rough collies Hollie and Nicky.  People are impressed with their temperment and their good looks and they aren't even related.

Wednesday again brought the beautiful weather and everyone in the morning group enjoyed a quick dip in the river and then back to investigating the various smells in the fields.  Sidney and Bowie (from Lets Get Walked) enjoyed several rounds of wrestling and both were completely covered in dust and slobber.  The afternoon group (Gabby, Pina, Frank, Meeko, Taylor, Bailey and Destiny) enjoyed swimming and running in the shrubs along the shore of the Bow at Shouldice Park.  We love it there because there are no paved paths so it is hard for strollers and bikers to invade our fun. 

Cesar Milan is coming the Pengrowth Saddledome in November.  Tickets go on sale next Monday and I think they are $130.00.  Highly, highly recommend this investment in your relationship with your dog.  For those how might not be aware Cesar Milan is known as the Dog Whisperer.       

Monday, August 23, 2010

Beautiful Monday

It is starting to look a little like fall out there.  Not so good for August but it was a beautiful day for dogs!!

The morning group was almost too easy.  I had 2 seniors (Whistler and Jin), 2 very mature adults (Rover and Kip - joining us from Lets Get Walked) and one big puppy (Everest).  Everyone was really well behaved so it surprised me when a woman got snotty about Everest trying to wrestle with her dog.  Oh well, I guess some people just don't know how to have fun doggie-style.  Rover was so happy because he did not have to wear his muzzle today and he got to hunt for mice - his favourite activity.  And the best part for me was that noboby went in the swamp!!

The afternoon group was full of HIGH energy dogs and wasn't quite as easy but still lots of fun.  Our new baby, Rose, provided a lot of entertainment as she tried to wrestle and keep up with the big guys.  Gabby and Pina (goldens) and the other set of sisters Destiny and Taylor (boxers) along with Sam and Bailey greeted and insisted on being petted and admired by everyone in the park.  Super friendly group.  Sid the Kid just ran at full speed from one end to the other and back again. 

I love my job and my friends!!