Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another confusing day weatherwise in Calgary.  It was so cold this morning I was going to put on longjohns before the afternoon walk.  Good thing I didn't because I did not even need a jacket in the afternoon.

The morning group was so mellow and low key.  They just routed around the park in an orderly fashion.  I guess there were a lot of schools out today because there were a lot more older kids at the park and they were all fasinated by the dogs.  Most of the kids were really good with them too which makes it a nicer experience when I don't have to peel a dog off a child.  It was Eli's last official day with the group as his mom gets back from Texas tonight.  It was also his best day.  He was very playful and enjoyed routing around with Everest.  Ryder and J acted as the official "little guy" greeters and had to be coaxed to stay with the group.  Rover and Whistler just did their own thing and met up with us at the end of the walk (just kidding) I knew where they were the whole time.

The afternoon group was so ROWDY!!  Gabby and Pina are back from their visit with extended family on the farm and were raring to go.  Meeko always a big crazy guy was loud and proud in the back of truck and Syd the Kid just cannot contain himself and MUST jump and run at every opportunity.  Add in the boxer sisters, Frank and Bailey and that makes for a very wild ride and even wilder walk in the park.  I had to start them with extended ball play just get them drained enough to walk nicely.  Once we got some of the goofiness out they settled down and were quite happy to sniff and visit with the other dogs. 

I really do love my furry friends and my job!!

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