Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another Exciting Day for Dogs

The morning group went to Southland and had a good time together.  Maya, Vinnie blue eyes and Georgie were absolutely ecstatic to be together.  The only thing that could have made that bunch that much happier is if Sidney was a morning guy but alas he went the the afternoon group.  Those three dogs LOVE to wrestle and play rough so it was a good thing that the park was virtually empty and we had the north end to ourselves.  I should also note that they are all good dogs so nothing got out of hand.  Ryder and J enjoyed a more leisurely pace and either hung back away from the rowdies or they shot ahead for first pickings on new smells.  Bruin, Whistler, Penny and Rover.  What can I say?  I just love older dogs.  They are so settled and easy to take care of.  Not so old that I have to be on senior watch but old enough that I don't have to worry about fights or inappropriate behaviour with strangers.  Well except for Whistler.  She is known to try and shake people down for treats but she is always charming while she does it. 

The afternoon group was big and bouncy and lots of fun.  We went to Edworthy and there were quite  few more people at the park this afternoon.  When we got there Jennifer and her group had just arrived and we herded both packs into the wooded area to focus the dogs.  Bailey, Sidney, Destiny, Wilbur and Everest wanted to play fetch which was quite a sight to see a couple of labs, a boxer, and a pug play fetch.  Sidney just goes for the run part he is not that interested in the ball part.  A couple of Jen's labs kept stealing the ball and then teasing the rest of the dogs with it.  Mitch had an upset tummy on the way to the park but recoved quickly upon launching himself out of his crate and into the park.  Just like a little kid would "feel better" at 3:00 and his friends were home from school to play with.  Hollie was very spry and able to keep up with the youngins.  She even was trying to boss them around which is always really cute.  Poor little Wilbur was run over and in the course of the collision was scooted down a small incline at the park.  Not to worry though he still a fat, bouncy puppy and just stood up and shook the snow off his face and kept on going. 

All in all a busy day but a very smooth day.  Thanks to all my wonderful dog friends for making me feel better and for reminding me to live in the moment. 

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