Friday, December 24, 2010

What a beautiful day for dogs!  It was a little cold when we reached Southland on Thursday morning but beautiful sunshine nonetheless.  There weren't a lot of people and dogs around but the ones that were there were calm and happy (at least in the morning.)

The dogs were quite entertaining on the way to the park.  Diesel was sitting in the back seat singing Christmas carrols and being a Doberman is quite talented and energetic about the task.  I actually got a belly-laugh from little Marty.  He was riding shot gun in a small kennel in the front seat.  When looked over at him all I saw was this long pink tongue sticking out of one of the holes and a couple of tiny teeth behind it.  There must have been something yummy on the side of the kennel!  When we got to the park the boys could hardly contain themselves and took off in all directions is a flurry of activity.  Once again, good thing the park was virtually empty.  Res, Guiness and Nicky stuck together while Diesel and Sidney enjoyed some rough and tumble boy dog play with Everest joining in every so often.  Copper has been keeping a low profile since Fisher dragged him around by his leash on Tuesday although he is starting to accept Marty as a buddy and not just a nuisance causing pup anymore.  This is good because Marty REALY likes Copper.  Bruin is Bruin and is my calming influence.

The afternoon group finally made it to Southland as well after lots of stops, pick ups and visits.  This group was very mixed and we had a special guest - one of Miles and Penny's friends for Washington.  He was a nice big boy but a little overwelmed by the park and all the action.  The rest of the dogs took full advantage of having a park full of people and dogs.  Many, many more people were walking in the afternoon and it was a bit more hectic keeping tabs on everyone.  Little Mitch came out with us (he usually is a Wed/Fri dog) and he was excited to some new friends and get some excercise.  He practically lead the pack.  He was running as fast as his little legs would take him.  We ran into a woman with three kids and of course with dogs a cute and friendly as my pack we had to stop and I told the kids the dogs names and stories which they were fasinated about.  Frank doesn't enjoy kids so he stood back and just looked cute while Rover, Clover and Copper took most of the attention.  The kids knew how to act around dogs and recieved some sloppy kisses especially from Sam.  Once the walk was over it was back in the truck for lots more stops, drops, pick ups and visits as I prepared to take the third walk to the park. 

Yoko, Christy, Sidney, Sam, Everest and Frank enjoyed another walk during suppertime.  Very few people were there and it was almost completely dark when we arrived.  What a change in atmosphere, energy and attitude of the dogs being at the park in the dark.  The dogs were so excited and bouncy and there was virtually no noise, no barking and no ridiculous behaviour!!  Just happy dogs bounding around the park. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas eve and morning with family, furry friends and lots of love and happiness!    

Good news - Meeko will most likely be able to return to the group walks in January.  Keep your fingers crossed for his speedy retrurn to good health and his many friends.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Crazzzzzy Dog

Another beautiful day for dogs.  The afternoon at least - warmed up to -5!  Only in Canada.

The morning group arrived at Southland park ready to roll.  I think that a lot of people were happy when we moved off down toward the river.  We welcomed our new friend Diesel today.  He is a beautiful 18-month old Doberman.  He has the nicest disposition and is very well mannered.  He did not want to get in the back of the truck with the other dogs and I cannot say that I blame him.  Everest and Sidney were not the most welcoming so Diesel sat in the back seat of the truck.  He sat very nicely and barely moved a muscle but he is a chatty fellow and we had to listen to him all the way to the park.  Once at the park the other boys embraced him and actually enjoyed his energy and size when it came to wrestling.  Maya (crazzzzy dog) actually went swimming.  There she was dressed in her new red jacket and paddling around in the river with the geese.  Even my own looney retrievers just tested the water with their toes.  J and Ryder were there normal selves today - just kinda sorta with the group of big dumb slobberers and only associated with the little furry guys. 

The afternoon group went to Edworthy and enjoyed the sunshine.  There were lots of dogs at the park and they all enjoyed the social aspects more than the physical.  I was very proud of my guys.  Anytime any other dog or pack started to act up I just called them and they came back and waited with me me until the incident was over.  The one occasion where our group started it they all settled down quite quickly, refocused and were able to carry on.  The goldens (Whistler, Gabby and Pina) found a boy within seconds of arriving and should their undying love for him by sitting on his feet, putting their cold wet noses on his face and generally loving him up.  The golden girls are so funny (and sometimes embarrassing) with their affection for little boys.  Wilbur and Mitch kept their noses to the snow and plowed around like little Mac trucks.  Both boys found other pups to play with but always came right back to the pack when called.  Slevin and Sidney had another grand time wrestling with each other.  That game never grows old.  By the time we got back to the truck the boxer sisters and the little guys were getting cold and were ready to leave so there wasn't too much trouble rounding them all up. 

I do really really love all my crazy, hairy and sometimes smelly friends.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Another cold one but we are tough and we are strong.  Actually the dogs lasted longer than me.  I was hoping one of them would give me an excuse to leave the park early. 

The morning group was small as Jin was getting his hair done.  So it was just Sidney, Everest, Whistler, Rover and Frank to watch.  They are all good dogs and don't get into any trouble (well mostly anyway.)  There were hardly any people or dogs at the park so having a good time and not finding trouble was easy.  Rover and Sidney love to run and chase other dogs, Everest likes to chase the balls and Whistler and Frank just like to take it easy. 

The afternoon group was a bit more rowdy and thoroughly enjoyed finally getting to the park.  Slevin came out with us and had a spectacular time.  He was built for this weather with a triple thick coat and feet like snow shoes.  He was rolling and wrestling and when he popped back up his eyes were the only thing that weren't covered in snow.  He looked like someone had blown flour in his face.  Eli was a little shy at first but got into the games after a couple of minutes.  Even little Wilbur was enjoying himself.  At one point someone called him a pug-sicle and when I looked at his little black face he had a Santa-style beard from the snow.  Sid came for the afternoon walk as well which was good because he kept Shea busy when she wasn't playing with Wilbur.  The size difference is substantial but they seem to really like each other.  Ryder wasn't too happy with the size difference being hieght challenged himself and gave Shea a firm talking to. 

All the dogs in this group were eager to get back in the truck after an hour which suited me just fine. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another Exciting Day for Dogs

The morning group went to Southland and had a good time together.  Maya, Vinnie blue eyes and Georgie were absolutely ecstatic to be together.  The only thing that could have made that bunch that much happier is if Sidney was a morning guy but alas he went the the afternoon group.  Those three dogs LOVE to wrestle and play rough so it was a good thing that the park was virtually empty and we had the north end to ourselves.  I should also note that they are all good dogs so nothing got out of hand.  Ryder and J enjoyed a more leisurely pace and either hung back away from the rowdies or they shot ahead for first pickings on new smells.  Bruin, Whistler, Penny and Rover.  What can I say?  I just love older dogs.  They are so settled and easy to take care of.  Not so old that I have to be on senior watch but old enough that I don't have to worry about fights or inappropriate behaviour with strangers.  Well except for Whistler.  She is known to try and shake people down for treats but she is always charming while she does it. 

The afternoon group was big and bouncy and lots of fun.  We went to Edworthy and there were quite  few more people at the park this afternoon.  When we got there Jennifer and her group had just arrived and we herded both packs into the wooded area to focus the dogs.  Bailey, Sidney, Destiny, Wilbur and Everest wanted to play fetch which was quite a sight to see a couple of labs, a boxer, and a pug play fetch.  Sidney just goes for the run part he is not that interested in the ball part.  A couple of Jen's labs kept stealing the ball and then teasing the rest of the dogs with it.  Mitch had an upset tummy on the way to the park but recoved quickly upon launching himself out of his crate and into the park.  Just like a little kid would "feel better" at 3:00 and his friends were home from school to play with.  Hollie was very spry and able to keep up with the youngins.  She even was trying to boss them around which is always really cute.  Poor little Wilbur was run over and in the course of the collision was scooted down a small incline at the park.  Not to worry though he still a fat, bouncy puppy and just stood up and shook the snow off his face and kept on going. 

All in all a busy day but a very smooth day.  Thanks to all my wonderful dog friends for making me feel better and for reminding me to live in the moment. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It was a cold but pleasant day at the park.  Both groups went to Southland and enjoyed getting out and seeing people and dogs especially the morning group who were treated to treats by a nice older lady.  It took quite a lot to get them to carry on with the rest of the walk.  We explored placed down by the river.  I haven't wanted to take the dogs there due to the ice but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and they enjoyed (well Everest enjoyed) going in to see how cold it really was.  The rest of them smartly kept their paws out. Res and Guiness were having a great time running along the bank and behind the fences and we had to back track to show them how to get out.  Turns out Marty has a bit of a fan club and didn't even know it.  A group of women were at the gate when we arrived and asked if Marty was a Havapoo and of course he is so they start taking about how soft and silky they are and then mention Marty's name although they did not recognize him.  He is getting a popular as Ryder with the ladies at the park. 

It was much colder when the winds picked up.  We ran into our Tuesday friends Sylvia, Tag and Ace.  Tag who is still a pup ran off and found some friends he liked more so again we backed tracked to help find him.  He was blissfully unaware that anyone was looking for him and was quite indignant to be put on a leash.  Cheetos would not even acknowledge a fellow pug who was actually enjoying his walk (remember Cheetos believes that only the lower breed enjoy the park.)

Georgie is the happiest dog in Calgary because he got two walks and he LOVES just getting out for one so two was over the top exciting as was coming to my house for cookies and water at lunch time. 

Remember if schedules are going to change over Christmas please let me know as soon as possible.

I love my friends.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A cold but none the less nice day at the park.  Both groups went to Southland.  It was surprisingly busy for such a cold day.  This morning it was Res and the boys. Georgie, Frank, Copper, Everest, Guiness, Marty, Nicky, Ryder and Ziggy stormed the park and had a great time.  It is a different atmosphere when the majority of the pack is male.  Everyone stayed warm by keeping active and when anyone would stop I would get them moving again quickly but they were still happy to get to the rental van to warm up with car heat and blankets.  We walked with Jennifer and her group for a while and then Penny S and her mom, Trudy, joined us for the last half of the walk.   

The afternoon group was a bit more mixed and definitely more mellow than the morning group.  Copper and Everest came for their second walk of the day and were joined by Clover, Rover, Sam, Vinny L., Penny and Miles.  Vinny was dressed for the high arctic with boots and a fleece jacket on and was happy to saunter from person to person offering season's greetings.  When we got to the north end of the park Rover spotted something in the distance and took off like a shot after it.  When I glanced over to see what he was focussed on I was startled to see something big and black start moving on the side of Deerfooot.  Turns out it was just a black garbage bag being picked up by the wind.  As usual Sam and Clover enjoyed hanging out with me for some serious girl time which I did not mind because they didn't mind when I warmed my hands in their arm pits. 

I love my job and my fuzzy, silly, and sometimes strange friends.

PS Please forgive the spelling errors in the previous posts.    

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We had kind of a backward day.  Four afternoon dogs went in the morning group and in the afternoon we picked up a couple of extras.  The day was actually boring - well as boring as a day with dogs can be and all went well except for Miles and Sidney having a bark-off in the back of the rental van.  That is the most deafening sound outside of a hard rock concert.  We will all be so happy to have the truck back and then everyone can sit in their rightful places and there will be no competing for prime seating. 

Pina and Gabby are off to visit their bio relatives as their mom gets to escape this horrible snow for Hawaii so we won't get to see them for 10 days.  Little Wilbur is growing more confident and strong each day.  For such a young and little dog is realy tough and ready to stand up for himself with the older dogs. 

The afternoon group was quite rowdy when we arrived at Edworthy.  I just opened the back doors and they all fell out in a big jumble of animal happiness.  They remained high energy until I took them into the woods.  There is something about the trees and bushes and all the wild animal smells that makes them stop acting crazy and just enjoy being outside.  The drive home was much more quiet as most of the dogs fell asleep. 

Ahhh peace.....until tomorrow.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ten pounds of potatoes

Well it was another crazy day for Fun for Dogs.  They love it no matter what goes happens.  The morning group went to Southland and practically fell out of the van as soon as I stopped.  Eli and his mom where there and were trying to help me corral and direct all the dogs to the park.  It took the two of us severeal minutes to get everyone out of the van and into the park.  Then they scattered to all corners for "private time."  I get a lot of excercise picking up poop.  Maya, Rover, Vinnie-blue-eyes and Georgie had a blast chasing and knocking each other down.  It seemed like every 10- 15 mintues one or the other would start and then as quickly as it started it would end and they would all go their neutral corners.  I managed to get a sweater on CPC Cheetos today.  He looked like 10 pounds of potatoes in a five pound sac.  He neck rolls were peeking out the top of his turtle neck.  But at least he was warm.  Bruin was glad to get home and away from the noisy kids.

The afternoon group was a wild one as well.  They went to Edworthy and again fell out of the truck as soon as I opened the door.  Everyone was well behaved and enjoyed visiting all the dogs and people at the park.  A few minutes after we arrived we ran into a family with two little kids.  Well, little kids and retrievers were made for each other.  Gabby, Pina and Sam were especially affectionate with the boy and kept sitting at his feet and "pushing" the others away.  Bailey was OK with him but when he did not produce something for her to fetch she moved on.  Our new friend Mitch was not impressed by "those things" (children).  I guess it must a be a schnoodle thing because Ryder doesn't enjoy kids either.  Sidney was only interested in the dog that was with the kids and they had a good wrestle.  Little Wilbur has such a good time with the big guys.  He likes to pick up sticks and carry them around like his uncle Everest and Auntie Whistler.    

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ziggy and Destiny Sitting in a Tree

Another busy, beautiful and fun day for dogs.  Both groups went to Southland. 

The morning group was really active today and enjoyed running and playing in the snow.  Guiness and Res were leading the pack again today.  They both love to run.  Nicky and Whistler were battling it out for top dog in the van and almost made me crazy with the noise.  Little Marty was on the sidelines cheering for whoever was going to win.  I will be soooo happy when I get my truck back so I can isolate myself from their noisy battles.  (No actual contact was made in this battle.  It is all barking and Whistler is crated.)

There was a love connection in the afternoon group.  Ziggy met Destiny and fell in love.  He was following her around like a puppy.  I am not sure the feelings were mutual but he did not care.  Everyone else was well behaved and super easy to walk.  We even recieved a couple of compliments on their behaviour.  Vinny Link received the most compliments but that was because he was too darn cute with his booties and old man cardigan on.  He just shuffles along at his own pace stopping to say hello friends new and old alike.  Clover, Rover and Sam were taking advantage of the crunchy snow to get a back massage and were rolling all over the place. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Another crazy day for dogs!  The morning group went to Southland and could barely contain themselves while I parked the truck.  Everyone was glad to see Meeko back with the pack and feeling fine.  He missed his walk last week due to medical problems (he is perfectly fine now.)  He was incredibly goofy and had to run up to every person in the park and say hello and lean on them.  People are always surprised by his friendly nature and exuberant personality.  The dogs love to roll in the snow and Rover and Christy were running and then sliding into a roll on the frozen sections.  They look like seals when they do it.  My little friend Yoko has been quite shy with the group since she started but today we turned the corner and she was running back to check in with me and prancing along with her sister Christy.  Ryder ran into probably 50 friends at the park.  They all know him by name and he seems to have a real relationships with  them. 

The afternoon group welcomed our new friend Mitch.  He is an 8-month old schnoodle.  He is black and and grayish/tan and really cute.  Now I have to cute schnoodle boys!  He made fast friends with J and they kinda stuck together.  He also seems to really like Wilbur (its probably a puppy thing.)  He was quite confident with the group but did not like when we walked a short way with another group.  I guess too many dogs to keep track of.  All the big guys welcomed him and because of his confidence they did not give him the traditional initiation into the pack.  Gabby and Pina kept to themselves today which is unusual for those two social butterflies.  Destiny and Taylor enjoyed playing with Sidney when they could catch up with him.  Sid was running so fast his hind legs were overtop of his head.  He must have greyhound in him.  A couple of times Bailey tried to catch Sid but she was smart about it.  She hunkered down and waited for him to run by then she sprung out at him.  Took him by surprise.  It takes a lab to think things through.  My old friend Hollie was so happy today.  She was yapping a the youngins and trying to keep them in line.  Then she got tired and was happy to just walk beside me. 

I love my dog friends!!  They make me happy.