What a beautiful day for dogs! It was a little cold when we reached Southland on Thursday morning but beautiful sunshine nonetheless. There weren't a lot of people and dogs around but the ones that were there were calm and happy (at least in the morning.)
The dogs were quite entertaining on the way to the park. Diesel was sitting in the back seat singing Christmas carrols and being a Doberman is quite talented and energetic about the task. I actually got a belly-laugh from little Marty. He was riding shot gun in a small kennel in the front seat. When looked over at him all I saw was this long pink tongue sticking out of one of the holes and a couple of tiny teeth behind it. There must have been something yummy on the side of the kennel! When we got to the park the boys could hardly contain themselves and took off in all directions is a flurry of activity. Once again, good thing the park was virtually empty. Res, Guiness and Nicky stuck together while Diesel and Sidney enjoyed some rough and tumble boy dog play with Everest joining in every so often. Copper has been keeping a low profile since Fisher dragged him around by his leash on Tuesday although he is starting to accept Marty as a buddy and not just a nuisance causing pup anymore. This is good because Marty REALY likes Copper. Bruin is Bruin and is my calming influence.
The afternoon group finally made it to Southland as well after lots of stops, pick ups and visits. This group was very mixed and we had a special guest - one of Miles and Penny's friends for Washington. He was a nice big boy but a little overwelmed by the park and all the action. The rest of the dogs took full advantage of having a park full of people and dogs. Many, many more people were walking in the afternoon and it was a bit more hectic keeping tabs on everyone. Little Mitch came out with us (he usually is a Wed/Fri dog) and he was excited to some new friends and get some excercise. He practically lead the pack. He was running as fast as his little legs would take him. We ran into a woman with three kids and of course with dogs a cute and friendly as my pack we had to stop and I told the kids the dogs names and stories which they were fasinated about. Frank doesn't enjoy kids so he stood back and just looked cute while Rover, Clover and Copper took most of the attention. The kids knew how to act around dogs and recieved some sloppy kisses especially from Sam. Once the walk was over it was back in the truck for lots more stops, drops, pick ups and visits as I prepared to take the third walk to the park.
Yoko, Christy, Sidney, Sam, Everest and Frank enjoyed another walk during suppertime. Very few people were there and it was almost completely dark when we arrived. What a change in atmosphere, energy and attitude of the dogs being at the park in the dark. The dogs were so excited and bouncy and there was virtually no noise, no barking and no ridiculous behaviour!! Just happy dogs bounding around the park.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas eve and morning with family, furry friends and lots of love and happiness!
Good news - Meeko will most likely be able to return to the group walks in January. Keep your fingers crossed for his speedy retrurn to good health and his many friends.
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