Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Sunny Day!

What a beautiful day for dogs.  Both groups went together this afternoon as I had an appointment this morning.  Penny's mom came to help keep an eye on the critters - all 15 of them.  Everyone got along and thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine, mushy snow and the gigantic puddles.  I think Everest and Owen enjoyed the puddles the most as they were running in and out of them, putting their faces in and generally make a mess of themselves.  Rover enjoyed a quick dunk and then he was done and Duchess came out of her shell and splashed around a little bit as well.  The rest of them stayed clear for the most part especially the CPC Cheetos and Ryder (or Cool Ryder a name coined by Penny's mom Trudy because he was trailing behind and acting too cool for the rest of the pack.) 

Sometimes they make the weirdest connections.  Today Mitch (a schnoodle) and Bella (a pitt pull) were playing together and given the size and age difference I kept coming to Mitch's defense until Trudy pointed out that Mitch was seeking Bella out and instigating the play rough.  Later when Mitch was chasing Bella he had to enact emergency swimming measures when she hit a puddle and kept going and he quickly began to sink. 

Wilbur almost made a (near fatal in his mind) mistake when he tried to get across a puddle and realized that the water would not hold him up. 

Marty was just so happy to have two little guys to play with he didn't care where he went or what happened to him.  When he got home his mom and I had to pick bark, grass, burrs and other assorted park debris from his coat.  And like a typical little boy he did not want any part of the grooming stuff. 

Owen , I learned today, is smarter than the people that designed the park as he can get the gates open and eagerly led Whistler and Everest to follow him to the river but there were far too many little dogs for that so they had to be hauled back into the main part of the park.  Swimming season will start soon enough.     

Whistler, Bruin, Nicky and Guinness generally kept to themselves.  And most amazingly Nicky who is a rough collie with a beautiful thick coat was not even wet when I got him home.  Yay Nicky!! 

Getting all the dogs into the truck took the two of us four trips from the gate through the sloppy mud and everyone reluctantly took their seats for the ride home. 

I was so proud of your dogs' behaviour today. 

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