The dogs were not into the walk this morning. When I got to Ryder's house I found him tucked under a blanket and he was not pleased when I pulled him out and got him dressed to face the snow. Similarly Guiness was on the couch with one ear cocked up and the other sticking straight out to the side. A clear indication of mixed feelings. Either way once at the park Guiness, at least, loosened up and decided to enjoy himself and played hard with his brother Nicky. Ryder on the other hand held a grudge for quite some time and then finally warmed up and started to enjoy himself. He really digs hanging with Whistler and watching while she chews on sticks.
We had J with us for the morning walk today (he is usually a Wednesday guy) which made Marty VERY happy. Marty loves it when he has another little guy to hang out with and then when Wilbur was dropped off near the end of the walk the real fun began. They did not however enjoy being kennelled together. I had to put Wilbur and Marty in one big kennel as I did not have one for each of them and then I thought J might enjoy the company. I was wrong. Oh well, it happens sometimes.
The afternoon group welcomed our newest friend Duchess. She is a 4 year old lab/Akita mix. She is yellow and has the sweetest little face. We also had our other new girl - Bella. She is about the same age and is a pitt pull. (Actually more like the anti-pitt bull as she is quite sweet as well.) Bella joined our group last week but since I have been remiss in writing the dog blog lately I am just getting around to introducing her. The girls got along famously which is great as they will be in the same pack on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sam, Owen, Sierra and Clover seemed to enjoy the new kids and welcomed them in the usual doggie manner. Owen seemed fond of Duchess as she is quite playful and he liked that. What was really funny to watch today was Wilbur the 20 pound pug chasing Owen the tallest 90-pound retriever ever. Owen just lopped around and Wilbur had the turbos burning to keep up.
What all the dogs had in common today (with the exception of Cheetos) is their enjoyment of the half frozen, gross, murky and most likely smelly puddles. Oh the puddles!! Everest actually sticks his nose in them and blows bubbles. He, like most of the others, cannot quite figure out the ice because it bends first when they walk on it and then breaks into the cold, murky grossness below. Cheetos was not feeling well today and that is probably why he did not get into the puddles.
Please don't forget to leave an old towel by the door.
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