When I saw the temperature and wind chill this morning I got a little scared and went back to bed. When I got up again the temperature was still a little cold but there was no wind and the sun was shining. All the dogs went together to Edworthy minus a couple that could not handle the relatively mild temperatures. We will see you again soon guys! All the dogs were amazingly well behaved and enjoyed the adventure. The group was a bit large so I kept them to the edges of the park which actually made it even more fun because the snow is deeper and there are lots of places to find new smells and other gross dog stuff. When we got to the park I had to wrestle them into their coats and shoes and muzzles (we have a poop eater and a couple that are working on better manners). They were soooo ready to run. And run they did. I brought a giant purple egg for them to push around in the snow. It is too big to be picked up so they have to just keep pushing and chasing it around. There were not a lot of people or dogs at the park so that made it even more fun. After two hours of (what I can honestly say) was THE BEST walk we have had in months I loaded them back into the truck for the ride home. There were a couple squawks regarding seating assignments but after everyone settled in I did not hear a peep or a bark.
Cesar Tip:
As the pack leader you must allow your dog to express her energy in a productive way. For all dogs this means daily walks - an energetic thirty minute walk, twice a day. Some dogs may require additional activities such as running (or Fun for Dogs group walks), Frisbee, swimming in addition - but never replacing the walk.
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