Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dirty Dirty Dogs

Oh what a dirty day at the park!  The morning group excaped most of the yuckiness and most of the fun of the yuckiness. 

The morning group was diverse and consisted of Meeko, Everest, J, Rover, Destiny, Bruin, Hollie, Taylor and Everest.  Meeko was absolutely delighted to be out and about with his chums.  He is such a big friendly goof and has to introduce himself to everyone he sees and this includes leaning his 130 pounds on their legs.  The rest of the dogs just hung out and kept busy with all the smells coming out of the grass and getting into some of the puddles.

The afternoon group was much more excited because by the time we reached the park the temperature was up to about 10 and most of the snow had melted by then.  At Edworthy there were actual rivers flowing through the park.  Everest loved them.  He ran up the "river" with his nose in the water while dogs like Ryder plotted how to get across without getting his feet wet.  But in the end Ryder was the smarter of the dogs as he was the only one dry enough to ride shotgun in the cab of the truck.  The rest of the them had to pay for their fun by riding in the back like dogs.  And what gross dirty dogs they were.  They had such incredible fun running and splashing through the mud and puddles that I did not even try to keep them out.   Riley and Mitch became fast friends (this was the first time they got to play together) and the two of them along with Wilbur just had a little boy blast running after each other and splashing mud.  I lost Riley a couple of times because of the colour of his hair along with his stringy wet coat he blended into the grass and was camouflaged.  Gabby and Pina had to be hosed off when they got home - not the most fun for Goldens but very necessary.  I think that they all need to be shaved super short for spring and summer to cut down on dog cleaning time and the time I have to spend washing everything in my truck (just kidding).  Nina and Shea managed to come home with dirt only on their legs (I wonder how that happened.)  Sidney was very social again today and jumped out at every one's home and tried to get in to check things out. 

Remember - towels, towels, towels and in a couple of weeks turn on the outside hoses for easy spraying.  

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