Monday, March 14, 2011

Mucky and Warm

It was mucky and warm today and I will take that over frigid and cleanish any day!! 

The morning group enjoyed Southland park this morning.  There was Whistler, Everest, Jin, Rover, Ryder, Frank, Hollie and Riley in the group.  All the dogs are very mature and stable so the walk was virtually event free.  Riley was very excited to be able to come out with us today.  His mom and I discussed it this morning so he was surprised by the treat.  He has taken to group walks like a little champ.  When he come running his long blonde hair flows back, his little eyes gleam and he is grinning from ear to ear.  Too cute!  I love seeing them so happy. 

The afternoon group went to Edworthy and by then the rivers were flowing through the park.  Lots of mucky paws and dirty tummies.  It was a big group made up of mostly female sister combinations:  Nina and Shea, Pina and Gabby and Destiny and Taylor along with Sam, Bailey and Wilbur.  At the start of the walk I took the dogs to the wooded area to calm down after the truck ride and to gel as a group before moving into the main part of the park.  All the dogs, the boxers and the pug included shoved their faces into the soft snow and rolled and wiggled around in it.  They were loving the contrast of warm sunshine and cool snow.  We spent quite a bit of time in this area because they were all enjoying it so much.  Unfortunately I could not keep them in the clean snow for the whole walk and they ended up running through the streams and mud puddles like the little animals that they are. 

PS Be aware that with the thaw comes access to mold and other gross stuff and this may cause some mild tummy troubles.   

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