Friday, September 21, 2012

Yellow Dogs Yellow Lights

Another gorgeous day at the park.  Temperature up to 25 degrees. 

Thursday morning started with a bunch of happy dogs eager to get to the park.  When we landed the dogs were hyped up and ready to roll.  Oakley and Copper L. led the way to Mucky Beach, which is by the bridge, with the rest of the dogs not far behind except for Ryder.  He always wants to be last so he doesn't get run over by the slobber set.  Ziggy was so happy to be out with the boys he went in the water up to his armpits and tried to get the ball once it was on the beach of course.  Ziggy the black lab does not like to swim.  He is missing out!  Everest the black lab was more than happy to get in the water and fetch whatever was thrown in.  Nicky and Guinness, well most Nicky, stood on the shore and ordered the other dogs around.  What else is an old Collie supposed to do?  Marty had his wing man Wilbur today and seemed better equipped to handled Bella and Ellie.

The afternoon group went to Coconut Beach at the far south end of Southland park.  I thought that we could stake a claim on the river.  We got the best spot - where the water is really deep.  This group of dogs is very vocal and eager to play so the noise level was almost deafening.  I was feeling a little conspicuous when a woman came over and eased my mind by telling me that it was a dog park and the noise was OK.  Alright then.  We just continued on.  Ball after ball was chucked in the water.  Remy (yellow dog), Owen and Shea were the most interested in fetching.  Rover just wanted the ball so he howled and did his best but with a muzzle was a frustrated most of the time.  Copper R. (yellow dog) just wanted to play with Remy so he would swim and follow Remy around.  Bo (yellow dog) did his usual marathon swim down the river after a couple of sticks.  People get concerned for him but I trust his smarts and his athleticism and sure enough about five minutes later he standing beside me grinning like a fool with two sticks in his mouth.  My non-swimmers enjoyed sniffing, frolicking and visiting with the people at the beach. 

The dogs were having such a good time that it took forever to get them out of Coconut beach and on the trail back to the truck.  Consequently we hit rush hour traffic and (without exaggeration!) every yellow light on the way home. 

Fun and safe driving is more important than getting home on time!!

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