Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Beautiful day for dogs!  Both groups went to Southland.  Seems that is the only park we go to lately.  Maybe when the dogs don't need to cool off in the river we can try some other parks.

The morning group was small and easy to manage.  Just a couple of rowdy boy moments when Wilbur, Rover and Joey got going on some unsuspecting dog.  They all love to chase and put a couple young dogs through their paces.  It was all in good fun and no one was hurt during these maneuvers. 

Bruin and Whistler are starting to feel their ages with both of them stopping to rest throughout the walk.  Bruin, even though he is getting old, is still VERY handsome to the people at the park.  He was covered in dust from a good roll in the dirt and looking subjectively like a junk yard dog, and this one woman was absolutely gushing over his good looks and calm demeanor.  Bruin still has IT! 

Ryder as usual was just sauntering behind the group waiting to run into cool little dogs (not uncool little dogs like Wilbur.)

After a long walk around the north end of the park we ended the walk at the river for a quick drink and cool down. 

The morning group was an easy warm up for the afternoon group.  We hit the park with a bang!  Frank launched himself out of the truck and was ready and willing to take on any challengers.  We usually let him have his grand entrance to blow off steam and then the rest of us get out of the truck. 

Gabby, Pina, Sam, Sidney and Sierra were so happy to get to the park.  Wilbur and Everest (the lucky dogs) got to go to the park for the second time and were just as excited as the rest of them to get out and get started. 

Ball play iimmediately to keep the dogs occupied and out of trouble while I had the chore of picking up poop.  If I ever have troubles finding it I just have to call Wilbur over and he is more than happy to help his "gramma" find the pile.  I truly am soooo proud!!

Sierra is a very big girl - a Shepard/great Pyrenees cross and very docile.  Usually I have to walk her out to the truck.  Today she practically knocked me over running from the house.  Guess it had been a long weekend for her. 

We ran into Wilson and his "gramma" and played with  them at the beach. 

Since I discovered that Max likes to play ball he has been much happier and more engaged with the group.  Way to go Max!!

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