Saturday, September 29, 2012

Welcome New Friend

Friday we welcomed another new friend to our pack.  Her name is Olive and she is a border collie/blue healer cross.  She is three years old, very smart and friendly,  She likes to swim, chase the bubbles from rocks thrown in the river and tease the other dogs into playing with her. She fit in very nicely with the established pack. 

The morning group was energetic and very much into running and being at the river.  After we trooped around the north end of the park we  had a few minutes to run to the river for a quick drink.  Well it was supposed to be a quick drink.  The dogs were hot and thirsty and not at all interested in getting out of the water especially Whistler and Everest (my dogs are always the most stubborn).  New Copper loves the water too and will just swim for the sake of swimming I had to haul him out the water with a leash (on second thought maybe mine aren't always the most stubborn around water.)  Ryder is a very wise little guy.  He conserves energy, lays down in the shade and then doesn't need to venture into the river with the crazies to get a drink.  Several people asked me if I had lost him as he sat in the shade.  I had to tell them that he is smart and doesn't want to be trampled by the slobber-set. 

Oakley and Old Copper have decided to enact a truce and not squabble over who is in charge of the pack because, really, I am in charge.  Smart boys!!

The afternoon group is a bunch of ball chasers and because if was so hot (27C) we headed straight for Coconut Beach which is at the far south end of the park.  There are parts of the river that are still quite deep and make for easier swimming.  Remy, Gabby, Pina and Sam were so excited they could hardly wait for me to get down to the water to throw the ball for them.  I have discovered that Max likes to chase the ball too but he hasn't quite figured out that he should bring it back.  So our game, while the retrievers are fetching in the water, is that I throw the ball for him and he chases it, bats it around a bit and then I go pick it up, wait for the big guys to get back in the water and then we do that again.  He loves it and it brings him out of his shell.  Now if I could only get him to walk on grass!!  Sidney, the party animal, ran all over the area looking for suitable wrestling partners.  The pickings were slim but he found a couple that would go a few rounds with him.  Emo Josie and Taylor used their cute little faces to get some attention for the other dogs owners practically sitting on their laps.

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