Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome New Friends

How many more beautiful days do we have left? 

Today the morning group welcomed our new friends - Oakley (a 9-yr old golden) and his brother Copper (a 6-yr old fox hound).  Both boys were extremely excited but a bit confused to be going out this morning but still eagerly jumped into the truck.  Both seemed up for anything.  The other dogs were pretty good to them in the back of the truck even though Copper has a booming howl only an ecstatic hound can produce.  Once we got to the park the two of them jumped out of truck like they had been shot from a cannon and then ping ponged around checking everything and everyone out.  Copper was so excited that he launched himself over the fence and into the swampy area.  Luckily he did not get into the stagnant water (GROSS!).  I had to climb the fence and then lift him back over and as soon as his feet landed he was off again like nothing had happened.  Both the boys love the ball and we spent about a half an hour draining them of excess energy.  Bruin, Ellie, Bella and Sierra got in on that fun too.  Bella does not actually fetch she just likes to chase those that chase balls. 

Ellie is quite competitive with the ball and surprises me often at how fast and agile she is.  What I also noticed about her today is her bunny-soft coat.  It is even softer than Remy's.  Sorry Remy!

Marty was without his wing man Wilbur again today but is getting much better at handling the big girls.

The afternoon group was sooo crazy today I had to take the ball away from them.  When you bring several ball crazy dogs to the park and then run into ball crazy Wilson the noise can become deafening.  For all the ears at the park I had to put it away.  Remy, Owen and Shea were the most affected by this decision and the others were much more easy going about it.  We did a short 30 minute walk around the swampy area in order to let little Grannie Annie have her walk and sniff time.  After that she had to rest in the truck so that her back would not hurt.  Then we all took off for the river as the rest of the dogs were getting hot and thirsty.  Cheetos thought he should be treated as a senior dog and get to wait in the truck and was most pissy when I would not let him do that.  Even though he hates the dog park he does always try to keep up.  Josie and Taylor, who are both more people dogs and dog dogs were playing together today until they found some little boys who wanted to hang out with them.  Taylor helped one little guy dig a hole in the river bank and Josie provided her back and sides for scratching.  Bo found the biggest stick at the park and packed it around smacking me each time he passed. 

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