Thursday, June 20, 2013

What a horrible day to be outside.  One day before the first day of summer and I could have easily stayed at home and the dogs probably would not have cared.  Between the downpours and the mosquitoes that I thought could have carried big old Rover away with them it was a nasty day.  But we made the best of it and tried to have some fun.

On Tuesday we welcomed our newest little member to the group.  His name is Jake and he a minpin/terrier cross.  He has the most serious little face and funky curly hair.  He made fast friends with Marty and Wilbur and can stand up to the big girls: Bella and Ellie.  Jake is going to be very much appreciated and respected by his fellow little guys in the on going girls against the boys Tuesday and Thursday rumbles. 

The afternoon group went to Edworthy park for change.  There was literally no on else in the park for the first 45 minutes we were there.  Josie and Cheetos wished they were not there and tried desperately to get back in the truck when the skies opened up.  The rest of the group: Oakley, Owen, Crazy Copper, Bo, Rover, Sam, Sidney and R2 could not have cared less about the rain and wind and bugs.  All they cared about was fetching the ball and finding puddles so that they could have a drink. 

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