Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Another wonderful day at the park with my furry buddies.

The fun started on the ride to the park with Ellie hogging the entire back seat of the truck.  Nicky and Guinness, who ride in the back seat usually, were forced into the front seat as Ellie, a mid-sized dog, was sprawled out and absolutely refused to move for the Pinkney boys to share.  The boys were somewhat put out as Nicky laid down and poor little Guinness tried to balance on the edge of the seat.  This was not going to be safe or comfortable so I moved the console so Guinness could sit down beside me.  In a related story as we were walking around the park the Pinkney boys crowded at the gate and when I went to call them back I called them "Nickess".  Combined both names and guess what?  They came.  Good boys.  I knew I loved them for a reason. 

Nearing the end of the morning walk we ran into Jennifer and her gang.  Original Copper who weighs 51kg decided he liked a little puggle named Harley.  Poor Harley was horrified and was confused as to what he had done to garner the attention of the beast known as Original Copper.  Harley was squaking and running in between Jennifer's legs for safety with Copper heading right in there as well.  Copper would not have hurt Harley - he was just having fun teasing the poor little thing. 

The afternoon group, Surprise! Surprise!! was very noisy.  One of the old guys who is a regular at the park commented on the barking.  Although it is a dog park and they should be allowed to just be dogs I decided at that point to take the ball away and get them to settle down. 

After the ball went away everyone settled down into a nice group of dogs.  Rover chased -- oops! raced-- several bike riders along the path.  Bo found some puddles to set himself in, Nina and Shea squabbled like they were real sisters and Remy and Owen tried to get the other people to through balls for them.  Just a regular Fun for Dogs Tuesday. 

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