Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What a crazy mixed up day!  Most people and their dogs were still on holidays.  The park was packed in the morning and again in the afternoon.  Today we welcomed Lucy and Teddy to our group.  They will be walking with us for the next week or so while their mom and dad are on holidays.  With a combined weight of 270 pounds they are a whole lot of dog!  Luckily for me they are the sweetest pair of mastiffs ever.  Teddy was ready to party as soon as he got to the park.  He had to say hello to everyone and their dog and their dog's brother and probably lapped us several times.  Lucy was a little more shy and stuck close to the pack.  All the other dogs in the group - Bruin, Everest, Whistler, Marty, Wilbur, Ryder and Vader (another newby to the park) were very welcoming.  Marty and Wilbur were sooo happy to be together that they only had eyes for each other except when they decided, collectively, to see what Teddy was made of.  Teddy just stood there and grinned at them.  Ryder was happy to see his buddy Gary as Gary usually has treats for him. 

Vader has been around for a number of years but I have never taken her to the park.  She and I were both glad that we tried it as she was awesome and you could see she loved every minute of it. 

The afternoon group was goony as usual.  Gabby and Pina joined us today (they are usually M, W, F gals).  They enjoyed meeting all the men in the park and trying to get these poor guys to play with them.  People were laughing at Wilbur as he was stealing the balls from G & P and from Owen - kinda embarassing for three goldens to be bested by a 16-month old pug.  Copper was with us this afternoon too and he, Everest and Ziggy palled around (once I got them all going in the same direction) and checked out all the gross smells they could find.  Everest went MIA, under the fence and into no-mans-land where he was for several minutes.  Ziggy stayed close as it was his second walk of the day and was getting tired and Copper was checking out all the females at the park before I could get him focussed on the group.  It took us one hour to make it to the south end of Southland park from the parking lot so the dogs ended up getting extra time to play. 

Sweet little Dutch (who really isn't little) just brought up the rear.

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