Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The morning group hit the park like an explosion and then kept on going.  It took quite a while to get everyone going in one direction.  And once we got going they squabbled like little kids.  Apparently it was pick on Erckle day and he was not informed beforehand.  Marty and Bruin kept on coming up behind him and either trying to hump him (in the case of Marty) or try to goose him with a very large snout (Bruin).  Either way Erckle did not enjoy the attention and rightly so was very jumpy and overly cautious of any one around him.  Res, Nicky and Guinness took full advantage of the being free and led the group around the park at full speed.  Occasionally, Marty would chase Res who appreciated his attention.  Copper was off like a shot making friends at a rapid pace and then bombing back to the group.  Gathering everyone up for the ride home was challenging as they did not want to leave the snow and warm temperatures. 

Ten crazy dogs and their crabby handler.  Coincidence?  I think not.  The temperature changes are reeking havoc on my body and making my head hurt and I think that the daily/hourly/minute changes in the temperatures are affecting the dogs too.  Auzzie, Bella and Wilbur were extremely rowdy today.  I had to move the entire group to an isolated part of the park so that I could get them to calm down before being allowed to join "polite" society.  In moving the group to the isolated part of the park we had to walk through a gully.  Well, Cheetos does not DO gullies and I had to go back for him.  In going back for Cheetos I inadvertently caused the entire group of nut-cases to follow me.  And again we began the journey back to the far away spot.  Everest decided he did not need to be pack member and kept wandering off in search of something.  What, I am sure, we will never know.  Bo knew what he wanted and as soon as he found something to pack around he picked it up and kept it with him until the end.  What is interesting about Bo is that he will not leave his goodies while we are walking but when I start to load the dogs up he seems to loose his stuff.   I think he is trying to blend in with the crowd and not draw attention to himself. 

Any way you slice it a "bad" day at the park with my buddies is better than ANY day stuck anywhere else!!

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