Monday, June 20, 2011

Rain?...Sun? I am so confused...

Another weird and wonderful day for Calgary weather.  Make up your mind already!!

The morning group went to Southland and we managed to stay dry.  It was a big group of mainly boys and after the usual jockeying to see who will be the top dog they all realized it is me and always will be.  Our new guy Copper is settling in nicely and becoming a genuine member of the pack.  The boys still pick on him a little bit but he is so easy going that it really isn't fun after a while.  

We ran into Rosebud and her mom today.  Rose hasn't been out with the group for quite awhile which is a shame because she just loves the group.  She and Riley were the best of chums and chased each other around.  For those that don't know Rose is a tiny yellow/red  lab (about 50 pounds soaking wet which she was) and Riley is a very small mixed breed with long blond hair.  A very funny pairing.  It was interesting to see Rose up against Copper who is a very large yellow/red lab weighing in over 100 pounds.  Quite a big difference.   

All the dogs enjoyed jumping in the mud puddles and splashing around.   Rose ended up going in head first as she slipped on the grass trying to be the first one in.  I can hardly wait until we can get in the river and enjoy some real summer fun. 

The afternoon group went to Edworthy and again we lucked out and the rain stopped while we were there.  I unloaded the loonies and began throwing the balls which we kept up for about 20 minutes non-stop.  Gabby and Pina dominated the fetch game with Maya (who is with us all week) keeping up nicely for a un-pit bull.  Nina and Shea don't care if they get the ball they are just happy to be invited to play and then there's Wilbur who does his darnedest to get those little legs turning over fast enough to keep up with the girls.  Sammy and Bailey do clean up.  After all the tongues were hanging out and everyone had a big drink of fresh water we headed out for a walk.  Trying to avoid the mud puddles took a lot of yelling and dancing around like an idiot but it was worth it as Gabby was the only one who needed to be hosed off when she got home and then it was only one thigh. 


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