Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The bugs and mud were off the charts today!  Add in a little rain and you have the perfect storm of gross dirty dogs and a tired and dirty walker.

The morning group had a great time at Southland.  J and Riley don't care who else is around they just love each other and stick together like two little peas.  They both started to make a break for it when it came time to leave and I had to push hard to catch up with them and grab their leashes.  They weren't impressed to be dragged back to the truck virtually kicking and screaming that they did not want to go home yet.  Luckily they are both small and somewhat easily put in the truck.  Riley passed out the second his bum hit the seats but J had to stay awake and aware lest the new guy try to eat him (the new guy, Copper, had no interest what-so-ever in eating J or even moving for that matter.)

Wilbur did a face plant into some fresh poop and when he was scolded by his gramma he decided that rolling in would be much better (you know - maybe save some for later).  Penny and Miles, Rover, Whistler, Everest and Copper rounded out the group.  Whistler was very embarrassed to be seen as I had her shaved yesterday.   She looks funny.  Without her long blond locks she feels naked and insignificant but she smells a whole lot better. 

The afternoon group was a pack of monkeys on some sort of wierd mind altering drugs.  All of them seemed to have lost control of their faculties and all basic training.  Everyone except for Frank and Taylor ran straight for the mud puddle at the bottom of a small hill.  They all either laid down in it and/or placed their faces in it and then some of them even rolled in other crap to make sure that the mud was really stuck in to their coats and then to doubly make sure that they were disreputable and untouchable they went back again for a second coating.  Needless to say their was a lot of washing  with hoses and even a trip to the car wash for the really filthy ones.  I am going to be up late running the washing machine too. 

Even after a day like today there is no other job I would rather have. 

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