Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The day started and ended at Southland and what a beautiful day it was.  Getting to the park was a bit noisy as Miles and Nicky got into a bit of a barking contest.  I think Nicky won because he has the high pitch Collie bark that can pierce any ear drum.  What is interesting that once at the park they did not even look at each other.  Bella is doing so well with her attention and recall.  She and Guinness have a love/hate relationship and spent quite a bit of time growling and chasing each other.  Luckily it sounds worse than it actually is.  Hollie enjoyed her walk greeting everyone and sniffing all the "hot" spots along the path.  Miles and Penny mainly stuck to themselves until we tried to play fetch and then Miles stole the ball and played keep away with Everest and Kip.  The other two quickly became bored and found something else to do. 

At lunchtime I went to let Angus out of jail.  He was most grateful for the attention and fresh air.  It was relaxing to sit with him outside on the deck for a few minutes.  He put his huge head on my shoulder and let me scratch his tummy.  Angus and I can hardly wait for Angus to be well enough to go swimming later this summer.

We got a late start on the after walk (which seems to be the norm lately).  Urckle joined the group as a regular last Tuesday (he stayed with Ryder a few weeks ago).  He was sitting in the window waiting patiently to be picked up.  He is still learning "dog-park" but gets more confident each time. 

We went down to the water to cool the big dogs off as soon as we got to the park.  Everyone was in to it except Urckle and Cheetos.  Mitch and Wilbur loved the extra added bonus of getting wet as they chased each other and tried to grab sticks.  Bruin, Owen, Rover were keen to play fetch but with the small dogs doing several different things it was a challenge to keep everyone's focus at the water and I had to reluctantly pull the big guys out. 

Cheetos was so very hot and bothered and working up quite an unseemly froth around his mouth that we had to stop in the shade and rest.  He plopped himself down under a bench and rested in the coolness of the dirt and the others took advantage of the tree shade and rested for few minutes.  Mitch and Wilbur did lay down for a minute or two but then were right back at it.  Wilbur has taken to rolling and falling on his head while wrestling with Mitch it is so cute.  I wish I could capture these pups joy on film but it would not be the same as actually seeing it.  On the way home Wilbur was soooo very tired that he was actually laying flat on his back, legs spread and snoring so loud I could hear it over the radio! 

Duchess's confidence is growing each and every time I take her out.  She always starts out shy at the beginning of the walk and by the end she is actively engaging in play with the others.  She loves to chase the little guys and has even tried to start play with Rover. 

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