Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another crazy busy day at Fun for Dogs.  The nice weather has made the dogs a little silly and they are not always obeying me when I tell them it is time to go.  I have been ruling with an iron pinky all winter as they usually could not wait to get in the truck but now its a different story.  Gotta change tactics with some of them.

The morning group was basically good except my own dog Whistler.  I had thought that at her advanced age I could trust her to listen, stay close and stay clean.  I was very very wrong.  She always has to make sure she is the first in the mud, first to roll in the dusty grass and the last to get in the truck.  At least Everest is a little bit more compliant but not much.  Riley and J sorta ran the walk today.  They are so much like mischievous little boys when they get together.  They take off and play by themselves and the rest of the group has to wait for them to catch up but on the way to catch up they have to stop and visit all the other dogs and then get distracted and then play with each other a little bit and then finally catch up with the group.  They did this several times today and then they were surprised when I snatched up their leashes for the home stretch. 

Nina and Shea (who are eagerly looking forward to seeing their mom tomorrow), Ryder, Rover, Bruin and Penny S where just good dogs and I enjoyed watching them enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. 

Lunchtime was a busy time as well.  Hollie, who has not been feeling well this week, needed to be checked on, Angus who is recovering from surgery needed to be let out to pee (he especially liked that I shared part of my lunch with him) and Viva needed to get out and walk around the neighbourhood for a few minutes.  All this before I could get the second group to the park.

The afternoon group as usual was their wacky selves.  Bailey, Sam, Pina, Gabby, Everest, Mitch, Wilbur, Taylor and Sidney all played fetch until (wait for it...) they lost all the balls.  I still cannot figure out how all those retriever/hunting dogs and assorted others can lose so many balls.  Frank chose not to participate in the ball chasing.  After 30 minutes or so of fetch they were sufficiently drained enough to be calm enough to enjoy walking and socializing.  Once we started walking I took a head count and did not see Frank ahead of me and when I turned around he was laying in the grass on his side.  I immediately thought he had been hurt but as soon as he was called he jumped right up.  He was just enjoying the feeling of laying in the grass. 

On the way back to the truck I took a right turn away from where we normally walk and Wilbur did not see me.  I had walked several feet before I realized he had gotten confused.  When I turned around to call him all I could see was a little black blob running as fast as his little legs could take him the other way.  He was so scared but must have realized that he should head for the truck.  So the other dogs and I were running up a hill to try and cut him off.  He had made it to the road and finally turned around and saw me jumping and yelling for him.  He took off towards us and it look like a bowling ball being shot down an alley he was going to fast.  Luckily, Amy (another dog walker) realized what was going on and was trying to get his attention as well.  It is nice to know that there are people at the park who have your back when things like this happen.  Needless to say he did not take his eyes off his "gramma" for the rest of the walk. 

Ev and I are still taking our class and learning lots about doggy emotions and motivations.  The instructor has indicated that she would not mind people coming to watch a class but would prefer you to come on a Saturday.  So if anyone wants to come along and see what we are learning please let me know.

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