Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sorry no blog on Tuesday.  Everest and I went to see the old people at Father Lacombe nursing home.  PALS is always looking for more dogs to visit the old folk, disabled people, children's hospital and for reading PALS at the public libraries.  Let me know if you would like more information.

Today was another beautiful day for dogs.  The morning group went to Southland.  Whistler and Everest received a surprise visit from an old friend and were beside themselves with excitement and when Whistler (as the canine leader of the pack) is excited it amps the energy of the other dogs and they got excited about the surprise guest.  So everyone was was deliriously giddy and most of them were not sure why.  Meeko was super happy to out with his buddies at the park.  He always enjoys his time meeting and greeting everyone.  When it was time to go he kept evading me so he could visit just one more person eventually I had to take him by the collar and drag him out of the park.  No small feat considering he is a Great Dane.  My team of nervous nelly little boys were very well behaved and stayed close to the pack.  At one point Riley took advantage of the extra excitement and deeked under the gates and bee-lined to the river.  He was quickly retrieved and had to do the walk of shame back to the group. 

The afternoon was noisy and a bit overly warm for the first day of fall.  We went to Edworthy and due to a multitude of factors we ended up being later than usual.  The gang was so noisy - each trying to out bark the other all way to park.  We tried for a game of fetch to take the edge off but it was just too warm so everyone got a drink and we headed off to explore.  Everyone was their usual selves:  Auzzie, Mitch and Wilbur were almost too cute, Gabby and Pina made friends with all the men in the park (can those girls flirt!), Sid lapped us a couple times and the labs chugged along.

Getting everyone settled in the truck took time as no one wanted to go home. 

On a sad note our sweet old friend Hollie the collie died this week.  She was 13 years old and loved dearly by her best friend Duane.  She will be missed. 

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