Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Well the day started off beautifully.  The morning group went to Southland and we met up with Jen's group and despite the fact we had over a dozen retrievers they managed to lose the only ball.

Copper, Everest and Whistler enjoyed the water and in fact Whistler would not leave the water when it was time to go home.  I had to take the dogs to the truck, load them up, turn on the air conditioning and then go back down to get her out of the river.  On the way down people were giving me status updates as to her whereabouts.  If you know of anyone who would like a (more than) slightly used golden please let me know.

Ryder was the bright one and stayed hunkered down in the dewy grass.  He is so small that I have lost site of  him only to find him by his big eyes sticking out between the blades of grass.  Urkle suffered at the hands of the overly "affectionate" Marty this morning.  Marty thought this was great fun!

Marty and Guiness got into a little chasing game.  I have never seen those two play before.  It was quite enjoyable and Guinness did not forget his older brother and BFF Nicky when he was playing with Marty either. 

The afternoon group went to Southland as well.  We met up with my friend Debra and the challenged adult she works with.  The young man was very shy around the dogs but also seemed to really enjoy throwing the Frisbee for them.  Owen and Wilbur especailly liked the extra attention.  They could only stay at the park for the first part of our walk and the second part of the walk seemed like a good idea but quickly turned mighty ugly.  Once we reached the northern most part of the park the thunder, lightening and pelting rain started.  By the time we had hustled back to the truck everyone was soaked right through and eager to jump in the truck except for Wilbur of course.  He wanted to play "catch me if you can".  I was glad that I had a soggy piece of kibble in my pocket to entice him to the truck or we would have drown playing that stupid game.  All the dogs were soaked and dirty and looking so miserable.  Grannie Annie, Cheetos and Clover took it the hardest and were shivering and not at all appreciative of my laughing at them.   Cheetos did however like that I said he looked rugged. 

It was a bit surprising (and very nice) that none of the dogs panicked at the thunder and lightening. 

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