Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Poor Erckle.  All the boys liked him today.  Marty was constantly hitting him up and then Rusty who is not in our group was so interested in him that his owner had to put him on a leash and drag him away from Erckle.  All the while Erckle just takes in good humour.  Clover came with us today but she was not feeling well and the normally chatty little girl was so very quiet.  We all hope she feels better soon.  Guinness made a couple of attempts to act tough and when it backfired he came back to the group shame-faced.  He was especially pathetic when Wilbur took the leash that Guiny-pig was trailing and started to drag him around.  Nobody ever suspects the pug!  

The afternoon group was a pack of misfits and it was  hard to get them all going in the same direction.  It was very windy and kinda chilly so Cheetos and Grannie Annie put up a fuss about walking.  Cheetos actually went and stood between some woman's legs and when she tried to walk he followed her.  He was looking pathetic as only a pug in the cold can look.  I found out today that he does the same thing with his mom.  And I found out today that Grannie Annie goes cross country skiing with her mom so the jig is up and I know her secret.  She can walk in the cooler temps without me having to carry her like a baby.  The funniest thing today was Taylor the 30 pound boxer playing with Sierra the 100+ pound Shepard/Pyrenees cross.  The differences physically were striking but Sierra and Taylor spent the majority of the walk chasing each other.  Good thing Sierra is a gentle giant.  Owen, Remy and Bo are like three peas in a pod that cannot get organized.  Remy and Bo are so big and goofy and they try to steal Bo's treasures.  For those of you that don't know Bo is a big collector of park treasures such as sticks, balls, mitts and anything else he shove in his mouth. 

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